15 Tips For Parents When Feeding Babies

All parents need help to understand what the concept of good nutrition really means for children.
15 tips for parents when feeding babies

Feeding babies is a topic that often causes many concerns for parents. Therefore, we have to be well informed for it to be a successful task.

On many occasions, we end up repeating

bad habits

in our routines or easily abandon the goals we set ourselves to ensure good nutrition for our little ones.

On the other hand, the large amount of information that exists on these subjects can cause serious confusion, instead of guiding adults along this long path.

The good news is that in order for our little ones to eat right, there is no need to become


in nutrition and diet.

To achieve this goal, just follow some simple advice when feeding babies.

You’re probably thinking that this list of recommendations was made for first-time parents.

But remember that children are not the same. So what worked for the first child may not work for the others.

Therefore, we invite you to read this brief advice that will help you to feed the babies without forgetting details or making frequent mistakes that hinder the success of the mission.

15 tips for feeding babies

feed the babies

Establishing some positive eating habits helps prevent serious health problems such as childhood obesity, indigestion, or loss of appetite.

Therefore, it is essential to always be aware of this issue and try to be constant in the routines created for the



Below, we present you a series of guidelines that you can follow when feeding the little ones.

In family everything is perfect

It is important that Mom and Dad try to eat at least one of the basic meals of the day with their children.

This is a meeting point that serves to share, strengthen the family bond and recognize the importance of this act.

Avoid games and distractions

Watching television while eating is the most frequent mistake.

While preventing the creation of values, it does not favor digestion.

learn to listen

Taking care of how babies eat can be counterproductive.

Just notice how they interact with food, their gestures and expressions.

Share your own experience with food

Talk to them about the importance of the dishes they are eating, including the


and the differences between each.

Respect the rhythm of each child

Sometimes we think they are too slow to eat. But we forget that meals are new experiences for them.

Track interest in food

It’s not about giving an award because there’s no food left on your plate or threatening because you don’t want to eat.

Try to encourage your kids with encouraging messages like, “You’ll grow up healthy and strong”; “It will be the fastest in the races”.

adapt the portions

Don’t serve exaggerated portions or limit what you serve. If children are hungrier, don’t force them to eat.

A feed without pressure

Don’t scold your child if he’s distracted. Encourage him to continue eating with a positive message.

a dish for your child

Avoid always giving food from your plate. So, try to serve food on his plate.

Funny Games

If he’s reluctant, don’t hesitate to practice some


to stimulate him.

If you don’t like it, don’t press it

Don’t be frustrated if you had prepared a delicious menu and your child told you he doesn’t like it.

Encourage him to try it or try something else.

a healthy dessert

Certainly the most anticipated moment for everyone!

However, don’t use this as a reward or punishment, but as another part of the meal.

Avoid the phrase “keep the plate clean”

When your child is satisfied, there is no reason to keep eating

new options

Whenever you go out to eat, make a space for the children to try out other options.

beware of drinks

Natural juices are the best option. Do not offer health-damaging sodas that contain too much sugar.

feed the babies

Get your children used from an early age

Mom and Dad, you should bet by creating eating habits that favor the development of the little ones.

This is because, of course, it will be the lessons they will repeat at school or elsewhere.

Teach them the benefits of eating


and varied.

Enjoy these moments with your family and become the best example for your children when it’s time to eat.

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