21 Motivational Phrases For Teens

We know that the stage of adolescence is the most difficult. Therefore, we bring 21 motivational phrases to serve as an example and inspiration for young people to reach their goals.
21 motivational phrases for teenagers

Certain  youthful situations cause discomfort, stress  and, in some cases, even anxiety. Teenagers suffer a lot before taking a test, before, during and after. They think it’s the end of the world, not considering that there are more important and dangerous things in life.

Therefore, we will see later  21 motivational phrases for teenagers that can, in some way, help them so that they have strength and determination when they need to strive to achieve some goal they have defined in their lives.

When evaluating certain events in our lives, we need to be conscious and think that studying is just a part of life, as there are also other important things that we sometimes don’t give due importance to, such as health, family relationships, etc.

When you decide to consider these aspects as essential to life, you will feel more relieved and relaxed. This is something that will also contribute to improving studies.

How to avoid this situation?

They say that motivation is what drives the world, although sometimes that becomes a difficult phrase to believe. However, we know that with motivational phrases for teenagers, we can achieve a lot.

A good concept of motivation  can be defined as something that generates endogenous and exogenous factors  and that always determines part of people’s actions, including tastes, hobbies and goals.

We know from experience that there are many types of motivations. However, the ultimate goal will always be the same: to lead people to achieve a positive result in all the activities they propose.

That’s what needs to be done with teenagers: motivate and encourage them to reach their goals, but without forcing them. The more they are forced to do things, the less they will do.

motivational phrases for teenagers

In the course of life, we will certainly find professionals from different areas, some writers, other philosophers, actors, etc. All had difficulties in life and, despite all the inconveniences and  thanks to the effort they made, they managed to overcome themselves thanks to motivation. They were the ones who wrote the motivational phrases for teenagers that we’ll list below.

How to motivate teenagers

Always make them think that what they are doing works best. If they are studying, encourage them to strive to get the best grades and so  that they enjoy their studies and never get stressed out when they have exams. Remind them that this is not all in life.

  • Think and enjoy, what you are studying is very interesting.
  • Focus on your studies and enjoy while you’re at it. Think it’s nothing out of this world, relax and rest every hour of study and, if you prefer, you can study with light music, such as classical music, for example.
  • Find the practical side of what you are studying.
  • Think that you are prepared enough to take responsibility for an exam. Thus, you will have more than 50% in your favor. Always think big, congratulate yourself when you reach a goal. Do this whenever you have the opportunity, otherwise you will have no incentive and therefore little motivation to study.
  • Distract your mind by playing something you like after three hours of study.
  • Before an event, total relaxation is required. Play something or practice a sport, according to your preference. Thus, you will be de-stressed and will only need to review the schemes studied for your test.
  • Believe in yourself. Having put in a 100% effort while studying is something that makes you feel comfortable and calm. If you neglect your effort, you may have to start over, in which case you may have another opportunity to try.
  • Remember that exams are not the most important thing in life. However, if you put in the effort, the results you achieve will make you stand out.
  • If you need to memorize something, make associations with mnemonic rules  (something easy to remember) using your imagination. This is considered simple and fun.

Motivational Phrases for Teens

Next, as we said earlier, let’s mention  21 motivational phrases for teenagers or pre-teens, spoken by celebrities and brilliant minds in human history.  

motivational phrases for teenagers

  1. “Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were going to live forever”. –  Mahatma Gandhi .
  2. “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It’s better to admit them quickly and move on to improve their other innovations.” – Steve Jobs.
  3. “Don’t give up, don’t lose hope, don’t betray yourself.” – Christopher Reeve.
  4. “Setting goals is the first step to turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins.
  5. “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” – Tommy Lasorda.
  6. “It’s always too early to give up.” Norman Vincent Peale.
  7. “Our biggest weakness is giving up. The surest way to win is to try one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison.
  8. “Anyone who has an idea is a weird guy until the idea wins.” – Mark Twain.
  9. “Failure is success if we learn from it.”  Malcolm Forbes.
  10. “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t.” – Walter Bagehot.
  11. “Defeat is not the greatest failure. Not trying is the real failure”. – George Edward Woodberry.
  12. “The path to success is always under construction”.  Lily Tomlin.
  13. “Space is an inspiring concept that allows you to dream big”. – Peter Diamandis.
  14. “Set your goals with high goals and don’t stop until you get there.” – Bo Jackson. 
  15. “The real secret to success is enthusiasm.” – Walter Chrysler.
  16. “Man needs difficulties, as they are necessary to enjoy success.” – APJ Abdul Kalam.
  17. “Pleasure and action make the hours seem short.”  William Shakespeare.
  18. “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is creating yourself”. – George Bernard Shaw.
  19. “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to pursue the great”. – John D. Rockefeller.
  20. “Things should not be said but done, because they speak for themselves as they are done.” – Woody Allen.
  21. “Fight for your dreams or others will impose their dreams.” – Paulo Coelho.

The idea is that these motivational phrases for teenagers are read by them and that, in this way, they can take advantage of all the opportunities that life offers them. I hope you create awareness and, if at any time you feel distressed or unmotivated for any reason related to your goals, don’t give up, move on, don’t stop.

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