5 Foods That Promote Concentration In Children

In the school phase, children need to be concentrating at the maximum level. Therefore, the responsibility of parents is to facilitate this process in the best possible way.
5 foods that promote concentration in children

Some exercises and activities are useful for this purpose. But we can also help with concentration through eating.

Experts have identified some foods that are of great help in the processes involved in concentration.  For example, these foods stimulate the brain in situations of stress or pressure during studies. In particular, a sufficiently balanced diet is recommended to promote concentration in children. Even in more complex moments.

Why do some foods promote concentration?

Some nutritional characteristics are the reason why some foods are more efficient in promoting concentration. It is a set of nutrients that, present in the same food, help the brain to be more concentrated. However, for this to happen, it is necessary to pay attention to the digestion and absorption of these foods. Furthermore, consumption must never be exaggerated.

A factor that indicates the effectiveness of a particular food, in this case, is how much energy that food provides. Well, often the lack of concentration is associated with tiredness. Optimal hydration is also very indicated. Sometimes this is a factor we forget. But it is very important in improving children’s performance.

concentration on children

In general, the foods that are recommended for promoting attention during childhood are related to nutrients such as fatty acids, proteins, fiber, minerals and vitamins. However, it is advisable to strike a balance so as not to overeat or cause nutritional deficiencies.

Likewise, some foods that stimulate concentration, such as cocoa, for example, when in excess can provoke an exaggerated stimulation in the child. Thus, caution is recommended regarding the consumption of foods that, despite favoring the obtainment of energy, are not totally recommended for consumption by children.

5 effective foods for concentration

We know that during childhood, nutrition is very important. On it depends the correct development of the physical and cognitive processes of the little ones. The growth, as well as other activities of the school phase, can make the child need more nutritional support.

In this sense, school performance will largely depend on the child’s energy level during classes. In addition, her body will need nutrients to help her concentrate better. A well-nourished child is more likely to perform better in academic activities and intellectual performance.

concentration on children

So, next, we’ll talk in detail about the five foods we can offer children in order to promote concentration.

1. Pasta, rice and whole grains

They are responsible for supplying carbohydrates, which will be transformed into glucose and other amino acids. These foods also provide vitamin B6, which stimulates the nervous system to release serotonin. Serotonin is a substance that contributes to stress reduction.

2. Dairy products

Both milk and its derivatives are essential. They provide calcium, an important substance for children. Calcium helps release serotonin, which is helpful to the nervous system. It also helps to lower blood pressure, which is often high in cases of stress.

3. Fruits

The benefit of fresh fruit is that it provides simple sugars, which are vital nutrients for the brain.  Dried fruits are also recommended because they contain fatty acids necessary for the production of tryptophan, amino acids that act as fuel for the brain. Moderately consumed cocoa is also recommended to aid concentration.

4. Vegetables, green leafy vegetables and red meat

These foods are recommended because of the amounts of iron and zinc they contain, which are essential to combat inattention. A recommendation to improve iron absorption is to combine it with the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C.

5. Fish

It is one of the main sources of omega 3 and omega 6. In addition, it contains an important protein and phosphorus, a substance that favors the connections between neurons. Phosphorus can also be found in the egg, the brain’s food ally.

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