4 Family Activities At Home

We are going through difficult times and we are forced to be quarantined inside our homes to fight a battle against this global pandemic caused by the so-called coronavirus (COVID-19). Entire families have had to find strategies and restructure their daily lives to get through this isolation as best they can.
4 activities to do with the family at home

During this quarantine we are living, it is important to know what activities to do as a family at home to avoid boredom, but also to use our free time in a productive way. In this sense, whether to learn something new or to improve a certain skill, there are some activities to do with the family that can be useful and a lot of fun.

When we are at home and have free time

Due to the circumstances in which we live, and although some members of certain families need to go out to work, we are all expected to stay at home most of the time. Thus, it is necessary to deal with household chores and help children with schoolwork.

In addition, we can also use our free time to carry out tasks that we had been putting off over the years because work and family obligations prevented us, such as tidying closets, repairing furniture or painting a certain space in the house.

Now, despite having to perform household chores and help children with their homework, the free time is one day of the period in which we have no obligations and are dedicated to fun and relaxation. Rest is essential, and we should enjoy it while we have time for it.

But it’s also important to spend some of our free time doing family activities, activities that we can have fun with and – why not? – learn something new.

So the paradox of this current moment, in which we are facing COVID-19, is that, while it is being a serious problem around the world, it is also an opportunity to bring families closer together and allow them to share more time together.

Doing fun and enjoyable activities is a good way to better deal with the exceptional situation we are going through. It’s a good way to take a break and catch up with the family. A time we usually don’t have as a result of the frenetic and fast-paced life we ​​are used to leading.

4 activities to do with the family at home

Next, we propose 4 activities to do as a family at home. Check out:

paint mandalas

Painting mandalas: one of the activities to do with the family at home

It’s a very fun activity, but most of all, very relaxing. You’ll just need a few pretty mandalas (which you can download from the internet and print), as well as colored pencils and pens. So everyone in the family, sitting quietly at the table or talking, can spend a few hours of the day together, painting and color matching.

A family of chefs, a fun activity to do as a family at home…

Whether at lunch or dinner time, or during a lazy afternoon, ideal for baking a delicious cake, cooking can be an excellent activity to spend quality time with your family. This way, all members can participate in preparing a recipe and voting, as you can democratically choose which recipe to prepare (sweet or savory) and divide up everyone’s tasks before starting.

Playing sports and exercising 

During quarantine days, the whole family can set a fixed time in the daily routine to exercise. Deciding to exercise together as a family is a good option as you can encourage each other so that no one gives up.

In addition, on the internet, we can find endless platforms with classes offered by professionals and specialists from the sport and the fitness world. We can find videos and tutorials for exercises of all types (aerobics, yoga, cardio-hiit, functional exercises or those that use your own body weight), as well as instructions on how to correctly perform the movements.

the time of concentration

Another interesting option is to propose an activity whose main objective is to learn something new. So, alternately, each family member can propose some theme or concept for everyone to read and do a little research. An example might be learning what the immune system means (so mentioned in times of COVID-19) and how we should eat to strengthen it.

Or we can also review and improve English, or even, for beginners, get to know the first concepts and expressions. Other options are: learning something new about geography, memorizing the capitals of various countries around the world or discovering where the monuments that are heritage of humanity are located. There are many options!

Exercises: one of the activities to do as a family at home

One last activity to do as a family: Stop!

While we stated at the beginning that we would suggest four activities to do as a family at home, we want to share one more with you!

It is a game that, in addition to being super fun, can also serve to learn a lot about general culture : geography, cinema, grammar, biology, etc. In addition, we will also sharpen our memory, improve mental speed and learn new vocabulary alternatives, as well as remember forgotten concepts and learn from others while playing.

We are referring to the game called Stop! , also known as Adedonha or Adedanha depending on the region of Brazil. The Stop! is a pencil and paper game in which participants must write words that start with a single letter (vowel or consonant), chosen by drawing lots.

To start with, it is necessary to create a spreadsheet with divided spaces and, on the first line of the board, write the categories chosen by everyone, for example, names, countries or capitals, fruits and vegetables, movies or verbs. On the other hand, in the first column, we leave a space to write down the letters chosen throughout the game and in the last column, the scores obtained.

Each round ends when the participant who manages to complete all categories with words starting with the chosen letter shouts “Stop!” . So, the idea is for everyone to reveal their answers and check with the group which words each one chose for each category. Then, another letter is drawn again and, thus, a new, fun and didactic round begins. The game ends whenever you want!

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