The Reason For Tantrums And Tantrums

A tantrum is a matter of concern for many parents. However, parents can put certain methods into practice to calm tantrums and even avoid them. Knowing the cause of the tantrums is extremely helpful in these situations.
The reason for tantrums and tantrums

Episodes of tantrums and tantrums are inevitable at certain times in life. It’s an uncomfortable situation that tests the parents’ abilities, leaving them anguished. Can we do something to avoid it? How should we act in these cases?

Such episodes happen for several reasons. For example, the child may become irritated because he wants something too much and the parents refuse to give it. It can be a toy, a time to play, a meal or take somewhere.

If a child is used to tantrums, he will always find a reason to be noticed through them. Especially if you notice that tantrums get results.

What causes tantrums and tantrums?

As contradictory as it may seem, tantrums and tantrums are part of a child’s emotional development. They usually occur between one and four years of age, when the child begins to become more actively involved with their surroundings.

Tantrums and tantrums are a child’s way of expressing frustration and anxiety about not getting what he wants. At this point, she can’t control her negative emotions and “explodes”.

Most common reasons:

  • The child wants a toy or object he likes.
  • She doesn’t want to fulfill her obligations.
  • Does not accept food or time to go to bed.
  • She feels that her parents don’t give her the attention she deserves.
  • The child feels tired or bored and wants to change place or activity.
  • In babies, it can be caused by hunger, sleep or colic.
  • The child feels frustrated for not being able to do something, like riding a bicycle, for example.

How to calm tantrums?

In general, more experienced parents know how to handle this type of situation. However, not all children are equally easy to get along with. Many first-time parents have a harder time dealing with this problem.

Reasons for children's tantrumsBelow we will offer some tips to be able to deal with these situations in the best way:

keep your composure

In times of extreme tension and anguish, the first thing you should try is not to step out of line or immediately give in to children’s demands. Although it sounds hard to believe, at some point the child will get tired. This is when you can apply deeper measures.

Watch out! This doesn’t mean you should ignore the child. On the contrary, the best thing is to talk calmly and calmly so that the child also calms down and is more open to dialogue.

Dialogue and Empathy

Dialogue and empathy are two important tools in these situations. If you can calm the child down, ask the reason for his tantrums. Then, after she finishes, explain your point of view and why your decisions are made.

These tools also work as a prevention method. The next time you deny something, she’ll think better of it, and over time, she ‘ll be better at getting what she wants.

Take the child to a quiet place

If you’re out in public, take her to a place where she can calm down. So, give her a hug and talk about what she wants and negotiate with her, always explaining why.

This method is very useful for handling the situation. That way it is possible to find a corner to let off steam and find serenity.

Take Control

When your child kicks or throws himself on the floor in public places, it is important that he realizes that you are the only person in control of the situation.

You must also show that this is not the best way to get things done. One way to avoid this is to predict these episodes and negotiate in advance, for example, whether or not she will be able to eat a candy when they go out for a walk.

Check the reason for the tantrum. If it’s related to hunger, sleep, tiredness, or lack of attention, it’s important to meet and satisfy these basic needs.

How to deal with children's tantrums

How to avoid tantrums

Although it seems a lie, tantrums and tantrums can, yes, be prevented and even avoided completely. But how?

First, it is necessary to make the child aware of the limits imposed. Through dialogue, she must understand that she cannot have everything she wants. If you want something, there are more constructive and peaceful ways to ask for it and get it.

On the other hand, it is very beneficial that you reward the child when he deserves it. If, for example, you go to the market or visit a relative and she behaves as expected, praise. This way, she will feel valued and will see that good behavior does not go unnoticed.

Finally, it is important for parents to assess the reasons for tantrums and tantrums. That way it’s easier to see which solutions apply in each situation.

Remember that there is no point in antagonizing the child for no reason. Get involved in the task of improving the behavior of the little ones and you will start to see the benefits. This behavior will teach values ​​of coexistence and social integration.

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