I Take Care Of Myself As A Woman To Do My Best, My Son

Taking care of yourself is remembering your worth and how much you deserve to be able to give the best version of yourself to your children.
I take care of myself as a woman to give my best, my son

Taking care of yourself as a woman is acting with wisdom, health and well-being. It’s learning to be strong, putting fears aside, and embracing the hope and well-being that heals, guides, and nurtures.

One thing many parenting experts always remember is

the need to take care of the mother’s emotional and psychological well-being both during pregnancy and in the first months after birth


It’s curious, for example, how we worry that moms-to-be come to appointments and have ultrasounds, eat properly and etc… but we rarely focus on knowing how they are emotionally.

Furthermore,  the postpartum phase is the most complex and delicate time for many women . In fact, postpartum depression remains a taboo subject today.

The woman doesn’t see herself strong enough, feels bad, lacks energy, motivation and spirit. She ends up seeing this as a reflection of a “bad mother”.

You are not a bad mother!

It is necessary to turn around and look at this matter more closely. Postpartum depression affects 15% of women.

It is an important fact that we must reflect and approach with courage. Because sometimes the mother cannot do everything herself.

She needs help, proper strategies and, above all, someone close with a sincere connection who is able to make her feel that she is understood, that she shouldn’t consider herself a bad mother, and that she will be able to get through this phase.

Investing in ourselves is to gain quality of life. Taking care of ourselves as we deserve, healing ourselves as a woman is the first step to being happy.

That way, we can give our best to our children. The same goes for parents.

Taking care of your own psychic and emotional well-being is guaranteed success in the creation and personal and family harmony.

Healing me as a woman is being able to identify my internal wounds

as a woman

What do we really mean by “healing”?

First of all, it is worth remembering that many of us continue to go through our daily lives with many unresolved issues such  as bitterness, hidden sadness, traumatic memories, needs and various emotional emptiness.

  • No one can give others strong and true love if these wounds have a greater weight on their soul. They are like little black holes integrated into your daily lives and even the way you raise your children.
  • We must identify the internal wounds and open scars that prevent us from breathing peacefully.
  • Knowing how to recognize these facts and accept them is a step towards healing.
  • Then it is necessary to oxygenate the wound: cry, let off steam, etc. And then move on with your head held high.

Be brave, know how to forgive and move on feeling wiser by learning

Healing oneself as a woman is, therefore, understanding that everything that has been experienced and suffered can make us stronger.

For this, you need to know how to forgive, learn to leave the past behind and close this door so that you can move forward looking at the horizon with hope, dreams and maturity.

  • Say no to this prey from your past. Your present is full of opportunities. It is, therefore, a way of starting over with the inside full of vital learning. Something that gives you an identity, a unique story that you were able to overcome.
  • You are a tough woman who turned your weaknesses into your strengths. So, close the circle of past pains to cross the barriers of the present, where everything is new and you are the protagonist.

as a woman

I take care of myself as a woman every day, I like myself and I always want to give the best version of myself

Mom, don’t get careless. You must take care of your baby every day, guarantee his sleep, feed him whenever I need it, be alert, anticipate his needs, etc.

But what do you do for yourself? How do you also take care of yourself as a woman? No, don’t put yourself in the background.

If you don’t devote some time to yourself, if you don’t take care of your relationship, and if you don’t connect at some point with your friendships and social relationships, you can reach the limits of your strength.

as a woman

How to take care of yourself as a woman: a priority to be stronger, more satisfied and happier

You’re a mother. But she is also a woman, a partner, friend, daughter, sister and a person who aspires to continue growing, maturing and learning.

All of this must be achieved each day in harmony with each dimension. Because that’s how you will achieve true happiness.

Every moment spent with your child is a gift. In however, devote a few hours to yourself will not make you to be a bad mother.

So don’t hesitate to delegate responsibilities. Let your partner or someone in your family take care of your kids one afternoon so you can relax, unwind, and get back to your child with more excitement and excitement.

Do new things every day. Being a mother often forces us to follow a closed routine.

However, try to make each day different in some way. Sometimes, a small detail, a simple walk or even a different reading can brighten our day.

Don’t hesitate to heal yourself as a woman! Embrace your identity and cultivate your happiness to convey to your child your own beauty as a mature and courageous person.

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