A Mother’s Love Can Move Mountains

One thing cannot be doubted, maternal affection is capable of moving mountains.
A mother's love can move mountains

A mother’s love is the most intense, pure, and heartfelt feeling a woman can ever experience. It becomes the best medicine for the pain of the soul. It is the consolation for all tears and the mentor of life’s most beautiful miracles.

From the moment a mother feels life stirring within her, there is such a close blood bond forged by hope and the deepest dreams that start from childhood. The mother is able to give vigor and nourish that love so unique and of such great magnitude.

There are pregnant women who are capable of giving everything to this baby who lives in their womb. Many mothers struggle daily to carry on complicated pregnancies that, according to science, would not materialize. However, the power of maternal love manages to bear the sweetest of fruits.

Life often wakes us up after a hit by fate. This is when things don’t go as planned . When a child comes into the world prematurely or with health problems, maternal love will be responsible for showing that nothing is impossible when a heart is ready for battle. 

The love of a mother struggling for the impossible


There are cases where we see mothers spend entire months in the hospital, fervently believing in their children’s strength and courage to overcome any medical prognosis.  We see mothers going to speech therapy, psychologists, football clubs, ballet classes, etc. All of them betting on their children’s future.

a mother's love

When the possible is over, they go out to fight the impossible . Some will even do magic with food to be able to feed their children. Whether due to lack of food or disagreements about children’s tastes and preferences.

Other mothers have to deal with those little ones with learning difficulties, who have a slower pace . Thus, they help them take the first steps so that they can speak their first words. True maternal love is about believing and trusting, putting all your trust in the child so that he or she can develop normally in an environment full of happiness.

Some mothers will find themselves fighting daily battles like having to do cleaning or other household chores while taking care of their little one. Or maybe work to get your kids fed. Or having to leave to get more income for the family. All of this in order to help develop a better future for your children.

Well, definitely mother love exists and it really does move mountains. And that love encourages us to continue living each day, despite the obstacles that arise in life. It helps you to find the right paths that you must follow to achieve what we all want: unity and fulfillment.

mother’s love is eternal

No matter how many years pass, a mother’s love will always be there, intact, to do whatever it takes for her own child.  It will be the handkerchief for the tears of the first love misadventures and the calm for the worries and insecurities that present themselves with bodily changes in adolescence.

a mother's love

As the years go by, the fight is directed with greater awareness in favor of a better future. Its objective is to form good people, transmitting useful values ​​and knowledge that will serve them in posterity. They tried to awaken their children’s interest in studying and then guide and encourage them to choose a profession.

Maternal love has the remarkable ability to go even further. It will ensure the well-being of the new family that has formed with your son or daughter. He will be present in every detail and every step they take. And even at this difficult stage in life, when the child is already an adult and makes his own life, the mother will be happy for him.

Even with the painful passage of time, a mother’s love remains and regains all its strength when it changes its title, graduating in the most wonderful, understanding, kind and companion love that can exist: the love of a grandmother.

And if this mother, who today became a grandmother, was able to carry a love that could move mountains, now, with gray hair and wrinkles in her hands, this love is capable of seeding the future and even giving life.  Grandmothers give wings. And, at the same time, they become angels who mark the lives of their grandchildren. Just as they’ve done it with their children’s lives.

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