Encourage Your Child’s Gifts

Encourage your child's gifts

All parents think their children are the best and imagine that they will make it far in life. Who never dreamed of a successor son to Messi, Einstein, Beethoven or Picasso? These parental dreams and wishes aside, the truth is that you must play an important role. If you are wondering ” how should I encourage my child’s gifts ?” In this article we will teach you some tips.

This is due to the fact that many children have a hidden talent and the mission of parents is, precisely, to discover these gifts to enhance them. The ideal time to nurture your child’s gifts is when he goes from being a baby to becoming a child.

Take the opportunity to observe your child and discover his passion and what subject he excels in, so that you can leverage his techniques, skills and talents. What good is this? As the child develops his artistic and sporting qualities, his senses and motor skills also develop.

However, don’t disqualify your child if he doesn’t show a special interest in some concrete discipline and the task of nurturing the gifts doesn’t seem to bear fruit,  as not everyone is born with a star destined to shine in life, but they can be largely happy without reaching stardom.

How to naturally stimulate my child’s gifts

Almost all children have unique and non-transferable talents, so your job is to stimulate your child’s gifts, motivating him to develop these natural abilities from preschool age. It is simply a matter of carefully observing the child in order to know what catches his attention and what he is most adept at.

Cares I have to take to encourage my child’s gifts: avoid putting pressure on him, just show that you are proud of every little achievement. Something very common for parents is to make the huge mistake of demanding from their children that they excel in subjects in which they were able to, but talent is natural and intrinsic to each person, it is not possible to inherit it.

However, the question is: how do I know what my child likes most? Of course, the best idea is not to enroll them in many different classes and courses  because the child will not have time to play and rest, which is essential for their development.

So, try to get to know him deeply in order to discover what he shows interest in. In this way you can guide your child towards understanding their personal interests, stimulating their gifts, aptitudes, physical and mental abilities. A task that takes a lot of time but is worth it.

Step One: How Should I Start Encouraging My Child’s Gifts

. Expose your baby to music of different genres.

. Accompany you in carrying out outdoor activities, especially sports.

. Introduce your children to paint, pencils, paper and modeling clay so that they can experience and be in contact with art.

. You can take him to museums of different themes, free or paid.

. Boost your memory and intelligence with puzzles, memory tests, legos, board games, etc.

. Allow him to help in the kitchen.

. Leave an appliance or device that is no longer useful for him to play with fixing it, removing the parts and putting them back in order.

Step Two: Stimulating My Child’s Gifts Naturally

As we said earlier, talent is natural, but it’s also true that if you properly encourage your child’s gifts, you will ultimately drive the full development of their talents. Therefore, if you notice that the child shows a special interest in certain practices, try to carry out some activity that stimulates their learning.

You can carry out the activity with the child at home by enrolling him in a course where he can reinforce his gift, take him to museums, plays and sporting events so that he can be in contact with what so catches his attention . Obviously, always consulting her in advance and with her consent, never out of obligation.

Encourage my children's gifts related to artistic sensitivity

Encourage my children’s gifts related to artistic sensitivity

It would be interesting, regardless of what field your child excels in, for you to stimulate their artistic sensibility. Art is the expression of creativity and human sensitivity capable of enhancing the development of the senses, the expression of emotions and intelligence.

Experts claim that this practice requires the use of the two cerebral hemispheres, where logical, mathematical, analytical and conscious activities are located, as well as the unconscious, synthetic and intuitive activities typical of artistic talents.

Encourage my children’s gifts related to artistic activities

To encourage your child’s gifts, remember that from the age of 2 onwards, he will begin a process of knowledge and integration with the world around him, starting to develop his senses. That’s why you can dedicate yourself to enhancing the child’s visual and auditory qualities through a variety of stimuli.

. Always look for toys of different colors, shapes and textures, with sounds and lights.

. Provide different types of paintings and modeling clay for him to paint and create figures.

. Read short stories and poems from pregnancy.

. Put music from different genres early on. Sing and dance with your child to develop their musical skills.

. Purchase toy musical instruments for him to try out.

. Take it to see plays and children’s musicals.

However, if you notice that your child takes a special interest in any of these stimuli, is having fun, and devoting a lot of time to these activities, consider enrolling him in special classes in art, music, or sculpture. If he gets even more stimulated by the lessons, be happy: you have deeply cultivated this talent.

Encourage my children’s sports-related gifts

When you think about stimulating your child’s gifts, don’t forget that familiarity with music and art is important for their development, but also for enhancing their motor skills. Don’t miss out on either of the two skills, nothing better than a combination of the two.

It is well known that sport is beneficial to health, which favors the child’s growth. Those children with a sedentary tendency, who do not play, run or jump, are more fragile and, therefore, more likely to contract diseases.

Encourage my child's gifts

Experts recommend not letting your child exercise only in physical education classes in schools, but you should encourage your child to exercise so that he adopts this practice as a healthy habit. Bike rides, hiking, swimming or taking classes in a sport that he likes can favor his growth and development.

Other advantages of encouraging these practices is that it prevents diseases such as obesity while enhancing their social skills, helping your child to relate to more people and make friends outside of school. In these cases, avoid forcing and putting pressure on your child if he doesn’t want to.

How can I help and encourage my child’s gifts and inclination towards sport?

. Always show pride in your child without caring about results or performance.

. Make sure the child has enough free hours to play.

. If he suddenly loses enthusiasm for the activity, look for causes before taking him out of class.

. Don’t fill it with advice on how to improve, or push it too hard. You are your fan, not your coach

. Use common sense when enrolling him in courses. Don’t overload it with too many activities.

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