Basic First Time Mom Guide

Your baby’s arrival is the sweetest moment you can experience as a woman. At the same time you will face many changes at home, which can put your nerves to the test.
Basic guide for the first-time mom

See this basic guide for first-time moms. You’ll find it’s not as impossible a mission as you might think.

Advice for the first-time mom before the birth of her baby

1. Have the baby clothes prepared

As a first-time mom, you’ve probably already bought several pieces for your baby’s trousseau. If you haven’t already done so, try buying clothes for babies up to 6 months old. Keep in mind that, in addition to the possibility that your baby will be large, he will grow up quickly.

So if you only buy newborn clothes, chances are they won’t fit in a few weeks. That way you will have to spend again.

2. Prepare basic care and hygiene items for your baby

Is your baby’s birth scheduled on a specific date? It doesn’t matter if you have it under control or not. No doubt you need to have some basic items ready. However, it is normal for a new mom to come home and soon notice that some things are missing.

So that this doesn’t happen, don’t forget to buy:

  • Formulas and bottles. In case you want to breastfeed your baby, these two products will not be necessary. Otherwise, buy formula and two bottles.
  • Diapers. Diapers are one of the biggest costs when having a baby. In the first few days, between 8 and 12 diapers will be needed. Of course, don’t get carried away and buy too many because the baby grows fast and in a few days he will need a bigger size.
  • Baby toiletries. Don’t forget to buy baby shampoo, baby wipes, baby soap, baby powder, baby nail clippers, cream, bath sponge, lotions, etc… These items will be needed to always keep your little one clean.
  • Ointment to prevent diaper rash. The diaper can cause small lesions on your baby’s skin that are easy to heal with the appropriate cream. So always have a suitable ointment on hand.
  • Diaper bag. When you go out with your baby you will need to pack the basics and this is not always easy to put in your personal bag. We recommend choosing a diaper bag that accommodates all the basics and is of a material that is easy to clean or wash.

3. Prepare and freeze food

Do you have an expected date for your baby’s birth? Can your partner or parents care for your baby for half a day or over the weekend? These two situations help a beginning mom to prepare some frozen dishes.

Spend your time cooking food that can be frozen. This way you can prepare for the week. This is a good strategy that you can use not only in the early days of motherhood, but in the future as well.

basic guide for the first-time mom

The options that should not be missing in your refrigerator are:

  • salads
  • Vitamins
  • purees
  • Sandwiches
  • Fruit
  • yoghurts
  • Fresh and clean vegetables

After the birth of your baby

1. Don’t hesitate to ask for help

It is imperative that you ask for support, especially from your partner and family. We are sure that they will be willing to collaborate with your baby’s care, as well as helping you with household activities.

Don’t try to do everything on your own because you’ll end up frustrating yourself needlessly. You will have many doubts and fears in your first days as a first-time mom.

You will find books and magazines that will give you good advice. But having someone you trust will be a great support. We know you’ll want to feel like you can do things on your own, but a little help never hurts.

basic guide for the first-time mom

2. Enjoy sleeping when your baby sleeps too

It may seem impossible to get to sleep when you are a new mom. The good news is that your baby will need several hours of sleep and you can keep him company. That way you can stay active when your baby is awake and needs you.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is to recover physically. It will be difficult in the first few days. But it’s important that you keep yourself as willing as possible. Over time, this little act will become a routine you both will have acquired, and the bond between you and your baby will grow stronger.

Follow these recommendations and you will be ready for your new life as a mom.

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