A Mother’s Struggle For Her Child’s Health

The struggle of a mother for the health of her child is truly something to be admired.
A mother's struggle for her child's health

These warriors of life, mother queens of their homes, put aside, each day, all the delights that everyday life offers to any parent, without regret or doubt for a second.

Winning the fight against the disease for fear of losing a life. Nothing less than the life of your little sun. This is what it means, in general terms, the struggle of a mother for the health of her child. This little being who will be forever grateful for such genuine effort, sacrifice, and dedication.

What does a mother’s struggle for her child’s health mean?

A mother’s fight for her child’s health means taking the child for treatment or staying days, weeks and even months in a hospital, while seeing through the window of the health center how the mothers of other children can walk, take them to school and also to activities such as football and ballet.

This battle also means sacrificing the most pleasant and memorable moments to be replaced by much more difficult ones, but which still cannot fail to awaken maternal pride when seeing the strength and courage of your child, who teaches you daily the value of life itself.

In addition, a mother’s struggle for her child’s health means camouflaging herself when sharing with family and friends the beautiful places where they are as a family, as well as escaping from a conversation in which their friends talk about achievements and test scores at school.

Finally, this uphill fight can require a lot of juggling. Not only with their work, but also with events and meetings of all kinds . Fighting for your child’s health and life means keeping the tears of anguish and sadness in a safe in your heart and smiling whenever life hits you. Only for him.

A mother’s struggle for her child’s health changes life

a mother's struggle for her child's health

Have you never seen a mother completely anguished, devastated, in front of a computer? Flooded with tears, she can spend hours researching her son’s illness and also what he needs to get well. It’s living for the days when medical exams will be performed.

A mother’s struggle for her child’s health is to scowl when people complain about what are obviously small things. It’s looking for the positive side each day and crying with emotion at each advance, no matter how small. So it is also having faith. It doesn’t matter the creed, but simply have faith.

These battles for the health of a child also lead to fighting bad mood, tiredness, the feeling of impotence. You want to disappear every day. But he still goes on, with a courage he didn’t even know he had. Just to be able to go further for the family that one fine day you decided to form.

A mother’s struggle for her child’s health is to get up early each morning, even though she has spent the worst and most chaotic nights. But this fight always means living on the edge, being on the edge of the precipice. Basically struggling to live.

The struggle of a mother, no matter how invisible, is worth it

a mother's struggle for her child's health

In the day-to-day of this war for health, generated by the purest and most unconditional maternal love, you feel invisible. It is as if no one notices his suffering in absolute solitude. Even so, you can always keep going, doing your best to give your child the best care possible.

Certainly, there will be days when you’ll wonder if you’ll be able to keep fighting, and if it’s worth it in the face of unfavorable prognoses. Of course, you’ll find it’s worth it. It’s worth the fight and the life. Don’t feel alone, hold on to love, which is the most important thing.

On those days when a mother’s struggle proves ungrateful, get up and fight. If you see an improvement, consider that these moments of hard work paid off. It’s time to cry. But may these tears be of joy. Savor success, however small. And feel proud of yourself and the child.

Whatever a mother’s struggle, whatever time it takes, the difficulty it presents, and the pain it arouses, this battle is worth more than all the gold in the world. Nobody taught you how to do that. But still, here you are, doing magnificently well. What you do is important, and it’s definitely worth it.

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