9 Games To Stimulate Baby’s Senses

9 Games to stimulate baby's senses

The baby’s senses develop as he interacts with the world. Hear, see, feel, enjoy a taste and a


 they are possible thanks to the learning that the child has, and because of this feedback with the environment that surrounds them.

In order to stimulate your child’s senses, today we bring you some games. Keep them in mind.

dance with your child

The dance strengthens the emotional bonds between the two. Thanks to it, your little one has the possibility to hear new sounds, very different from those he is already used to : the human voice, the singing, the noises, the onomatopoeia of animals when you imitate them…

Through dancing, your child learns to orient himself within the space, increases his balance and learns to have more sense of his body.

If you stand together in front of a mirror, he is able to see himself or also appreciate all the movements that you make.

massage her

Massages are for the


 relax and sleep better. If he’s crying, it will calm him down. On the other hand, massage helps you to be more receptive and take more interest in everything that goes on around you: this will reinforce your learning.

Massages relieve the cramps that are so common during this stage and stimulate your muscles, joints and the whole body, with the aim of achieving an earlier psychomotor development.

With regard to stimulating the senses, these exercises awaken your sight, smell and touch. As you massage him, he observes you, feels close to you, and notices an accumulation of pleasant sensations on your skin. All of this will provide you with great emotional well-being and strengthen the affective bonds between you.

Massages also help develop your central nervous system and become more aware of your body.

Offer her children’s books to play

The books even teach from the earliest ages. Placing your child on his stomach, allowing him to entertain himself by looking at books, is an effective exercise that benefits him in the development of his


. As for sensory improvement, children’s books serve you when it comes to stimulating your senses of touch and vision.

Give him large books with eye-catching color pictures and allow him to tap and flip through the pages while carefully observing and interacting with the pictures that appear in them.

You can also look for specimens that have pictures of animals and imitate the sound they make; in this way, you will also be stimulating your sense of hearing and helping your cognitive development.

Put it to play with different elements

A single doll offers your child a unique opportunity for recreation. Faster than you believe and want, the child puts aside that doll that you bought with so much love and thinks it will entertain you for hours.

To stimulate your baby’s senses, look for more different elements that arouse his curiosity and even his creativity, while helping him to develop and reach new skills.

For this purpose, we suggest to arrange a small cardboard box (small or medium) and place these objects inside it:

  • Colored stickers (geometric figures, houses, animals, trees, cars…)
  • Empty Spice Packs
  • plastic bottles
  • colored bracelets
  • pompons
  • soft bread

Each of these elements will awaken different sensations in your baby. With them, you will have the opportunity to experiment and learn.


5 games to stimulate baby’s senses

Mom, other games that will serve to stimulate your baby’s senses are as follows:

  • Pots that serve as musical drums for your sense of hearing. If he already sits down, place a stack of pots in front of him. Give him a metal spoon and a wooden spoon and place him to have fun muting the metals.
  • Mobile with familiar photos to stimulate your vision. In your crib, where you hang the mobile, also glue different ones from your closest relatives: mom, dad, grandma, brother… including himself. The mobile should be close to it so that you can enjoy the photos well. If you open a window and let in a little wind, the movement of photographs will excite you a lot.

    • Sock with aromatic plants inside, for your sense of smell. Collect some aromatic plants from the garden, put them in one of your socks, tie a knot at the end and give it to the


      for him to smell it.

    • Sandpaper to stimulate your touch. Cut out small squares, triangles and circles from sandpaper. Allow the child to appreciate their roughness as they pick them up and entertain themselves with the figures.
    • Socks with cereal flakes inside to stimulate your taste buds. Just as you did with the herbs, place cereal flakes in a tight sock and allow the baby to bite into it. He will not be able to directly eat the cereal, but by softening it with his saliva, the cereal will release its flavor.

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