5 Habits That Make You Fat During Pregnancy

5 habits that make you gain weight during pregnancy

Habits that make you gain weight during pregnancy are related to routines that maybe you didn’t have before, or maybe you had that didn’t make you gain as much weight. Considering your health and the changes you need to adopt now that you’re pregnant, in this post we’ll talk about what we consider the top 5 habits that make you gain weight during pregnancy.

5 habits that will make you fat

The bad habit of satisfying cravings gives you “licence” to overeat

Although some women say it is myth or invention, during pregnancy many declare that at some point they felt a very strong feeling and needed to eat something, the desire as it is known.

The problem with this desire is that it appears at any time of the day or night.

Chocolates, chips, ice cream, sweet biscuits, pizza, condensed milk, milkshake, pudding, bread… the universe of desires brings together many junk foods .

That’s why among the main habits that gain weight during pregnancy, we can consider as the main one, the desire and the ease with which they can be satisfied.

If you’re one of those women who craves food and satisfies them easily, you can put on weight. Especially when you don’t pay attention to the schedule, the quantity you consume or the quality in terms of nutritional value that such foods have.

The bad habit of sleeping after eating makes you fat

During pregnancy a woman may feel more tired than before. This excessive tiredness will make you want to take a nap throughout the day.

Some women lie down to rest right after breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, etc… This is one of the habits that contribute to unnecessary weight gain.

If placed in a horizontal position without waiting for the digestion to finish, it can also cause gastric reflux or even acidity in the stomach.

Stopping any type of physical exercise will contribute to weight gain

A pregnant woman should exercise to control her body weight and prevent some illnesses that occur during pregnancy.

There are many physical exercises that can be done at this stage:

  • Dance
  • Yoga
  • low impact Pilates
  • Short distance walks
  • hydrogymnastics

Not complying with the 5 or 6 meals a day recommended by the gynecologist can lead you to eat more

Experts recommend distributing all the day’s food between 5 to 6 meals: breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack (although not all indicate the evening snack)

A pregnant woman who skips any of these eating times arrives at the next meal with much more appetite and therefore ends up eating more.

The frequency of this makes you fat.

Among the habits that make you fat is the consumption of soft drinks

Soft drinks are harmful to your health. They are made up of sucrose, caffeine, fructose, artificial flavors and other ingredients that increase your body fat.

When these liquids are consumed in place of healthy foods, they prevent the body from receiving the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber it sorely needs.

Soft drinks favor the emergence of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and some kidney problems that can lead to a high-risk pregnancy, endangering both your health and the health of your baby.

Finally, it’s good to remember that soft drinks increase stomach acidity, which is already a recurrent thing during pregnancy.

If you get fat during pregnancy it is due to bad habits

Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. As the weeks go by and the belly grows, the scales will show an increase in body weight.

Experts see it as a problem if the pregnant woman does not gain the weight she has to gain, which is checked at each appointment. But, as lack of weight gain is an indicator to be aware of, so is excessive gain.

An incorrect diet added to all the bad habits mentioned above make the pregnant woman exceed the weight she should have at each appointment according to her height, initial weight, and week of pregnancy in which she is.

So the answer is simply to reverse the situation. Let go of these bad habits little by little and improve your quality of life.

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