7 Tips For Millennial Moms – I’m A Mom

Like many other aspects of life, the way of creation has changed radically in recent years. Discover 7 things that can help millennial moms enjoy their kids more.
7 tips for millennial moms

The generation of millennial mothers is very different from all that have come before. Therefore, these mothers’ views on education, family and motherhood are also different. The great changes that society experienced between the 1980s and 1993 marked the transformation of concepts that are considered acceptable or not in all dimensions of life.

Millennial mothers decided to radically change the strategies that were often used to raise children. Today’s children need different care and mothers must respond to these demands effectively. This list of advice will help you to consider some essential points in the motherhood mission.

What Millennial Moms Should Know

1.- Give value to the affective dimension

It is very important to set limits, rules and make it clear to your children how you expect them to behave. But it is also necessary to consider that a child does not see the world with your eyes and does not process everything the way you want.

In addition to discipline and rules, make room for affection, understanding and fun.

2.- Consider changes in the traditional concept of gender

Millennial mothers face a huge change in what is conceived of as a gender role. There are many mothers who choose to choose neutral toys that do not distinguish between feminine and masculine.

You can adapt to this trend or opt for the traditional model. The important thing is that you decide in a reflective way.

millennial mothers

3.- Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty

Always consenting and giving your kids whatever they want will make you happy, but only momentarily. Fulfilling all your child’s requests is not right for your child’s personal growth.

A child who has everything he asks for becomes an adult who cannot tolerate negative responses. Saying “no” is often very difficult for millennial moms , but it’s also a way to help children build character.

4.- Learn to distinguish between good and bad advice

When you face motherhood for the first time, you receive hundreds of tips for raising your children. It’s not easy to distinguish between what’s convenient and what doesn’t fit your principles.

Millennial mothers should keep in mind that many of the creation myths our mothers and grandmothers believed in have been scientifically analyzed and disproved. Inform yourself well before putting these recommendations into practice.

5.- Understand that your child will not be perfect

As a mother, you strive and struggle to raise perfect children. However, these expectations are not healthy for anyone. Your children may have episodes of inappropriate behavior, indiscipline or develop in a different way than the conventional one.

A part of motherhood requires being prepared for the unexpected and having realistic visions of things.

millennial mothers

6.- There will always be mistakes, in you and your children

Learning to forgive and forgive yourself is one of the most important tasks on the path of motherhood. Neither you nor your kids are superheroes. So you will always make mistakes.

Things can go wrong sometimes and that doesn’t mean you’re not a good mother. Take advantage of mistakes to turn them into training opportunities and life lessons.

7.- Dedicating quality time to your children

With all the occupations a father or mother has these days, it’s hard to think about quality time. However, this should be one of the priorities in your family life.

Just take a few minutes a day to be with your kids and give them 100% of your attention at those times. With this action, you make your children feel that you will always be there and that they can trust you.

If you’re not one of the millennial moms , you can also put all of these recommendations into practice. Undoubtedly, they will be useful in your creation process and will significantly improve coexistence and family dynamics.

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