Don’t Judge Yourself A Child By Your Grades

Although to some it seems obvious, to many others it still doesn’t enter their heads: a child cannot be judged by his grades. Under no circumstances. Children should not be framed or labeled  for the qualification they receive in their school performance.

Every child has its value. Everyone is different and therefore has very different abilities and aptitudes. Even so, each has a completely different learning pace from the other. In this way, defining the child by his grades becomes a serious mistake.

Of course, we are talking about a mistake that can considerably damage the child’s self-esteem. That, at times, she may feel unintelligent and even discriminated against by both her teachers and her peers.

And in this complex panorama, this father who puts pressure on the child with difficulty to reach the tenth grade so dreamed of by their parents, can be harmful and painful for the child. The essential thing then is to see all the child’s virtues and support him in his difficulties.

Your grades: an indicator, not your karma


You can’t judge him by his grades. Having low grades in certain subjects does not mean that he is lazy or stupid. It can in no way be regarded as a warning sign. Simply, there are children who have greater ease in certain subjects and difficulty in others.

This is absolutely normal. In fact, it may even be that, deep down, some pedagogical proposal or strategy is hidden that is not the most suitable for this child. Not all knowledge is simple to understand and absorb in the same way by most children.

Likewise, it may be that the concept or knowledge to be transmitted is not yet suitable for the child, with a slower cognitive development and personal and proper maturation. For this reason, it is essential to discover the world that hides behind your notes.

It is not enough to simply label children by their grades: “gross”, “foolish”, “lazy” other qualifying adjectives that only harm, hurting their self-esteem and security like a dagger. It is not necessary to draw the child’s attention, punish or submit to greater doses of pressure.

Of course, if your child is slow to learn, help him along this path by taking slower steps, walking more slowly with the teacher.  Her grades can’t turn into Karma, and newsletter deliveries or assessments a nightmare for her.

How can you act to help you with your notes?

Your grades do not determine your personality

First, if your grades are your biggest concern, you must act. Like? Simply helping him in the proper way. That is, without pressuring or chasing, without questioning or labeling. The idea from any point of view is to make the child not feel bad.

So in what way? First, helping her with the lessons in that subject, where the difficulties are the worst. That is, reason with her as she goes about her homework, give her other tools and looks at the topic at hand.

Thus, it is possible to use playful or even audiovisual material, which is so useful when transmitting knowledge dynamically with children. Motivate her, encourage her, make her feel that she can reach her goals, that you believe in her and, above all, celebrate every little victory that has to do with this difficulty.

Arm yourself with high doses of patience and perseverance, but avoid at all times being yourself who solves your lessons and problems with a certain  subject . Far from helping you, it harms her considerably, and in this case, the child will only learn that her mother is the best at doing the lessons, while she is not able to do the things.

Even if you are concerned that behind your grades there is some more complex problem – neurological or attention and comprehension – you can talk to the teacher and assess whether it would be advisable to consult a psychologist.

You can see that there are several paths you can take when a report card brings bad news. Choosing the negative reaction will only lead to harming the child and lowering their grades. These options are appropriate and correct in order to help your child in this process. Which one do you choose?

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