7 Things About Motherhood That Drive Us Crazy

7 things about motherhood that drive us crazy

It’s the best time in a woman’s life. It’s a miracle, a blessing. Being a mother is great. People tell us these phrases. All true, but even so there are things in motherhood that drive us crazy.

It is a phase of life that we are not prepared for. None of these challenges or experiences have been experienced before. The maternity is a path we cross carrying many illusions, expectations, but also many fears.

The list could be longer, but we’ll leave it at seven because – to be honest –, looking back, we like to recall those moments of total loss of reason and absolute madness.

The 7 things about motherhood that drive us crazy

reduced time

Life after motherhood runs against the clock, it’s a constant competition. The lack of time becomes part of everyday life. This is one of the aspects of the new life. Little time and the time that is left over runs through your hands.


After taking care of the baby and the home, the work and the daily tasks, there is little time left for ourselves and for transforming this time into small pleasures. Along with that, it seems like everything happens at full speed. Today we have a baby a few months old in our arms and, in the blink of an eye, our son is already running around the house. The issue of lack of time is a major dilemma during motherhood.

Wake up early, including on weekends

It will be intuitive. The biological clock will reset itself after motherhood and will be prepared to wake you up at the slightest noise in the early morning and early morning hours. Even on weekends. You’ll already be awake before anyone else in the family, taking care of the baby’s activities and preparing breakfast.

It’s a fact: you’ll never sleep the same way again. From the moment your child is born, your heart will be out of your chest.

spend the night awake

In the first few months you will go crazy with your baby’s biological schedule. Dark circles and sleepless nights will be your companions for a while. These are beautiful months, but intense. The baby will eat from time to time and will wake up at midnight wanting to satisfy his hunger. This will last for some time, until the baby starts having longer periods of sleep. While this phase has not arrived, try to find alternatives so that sleepless nights do not ruin your good mood.

Advice that no one asked for

Typical. Especially with first-time mothers or who have large, close-knit families. Everyone will want to give their opinion on the right way to raise your baby. Without skimping on details and even being rude at times, these people will try to let you know what are the main guidelines on care and creation. There is no other alternative: arm yourself with patience and tolerance, and also make clear the limits of respect in the family.


Lack of collaboration

You feel overwhelmed with so many new responsibilities. Even if there is an army helping to take care of you and the baby, you will feel that others are not doing their chores as they should. Or worse yet, you will feel lonely. Your partner’s lack of cooperation – and tact – will provoke hysteria. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why more discussions occur at this stage of the relationship. One piece of advice: communicate.

mood swings

Hormones are partying during and after pregnancy. The so -called postpartum depression can appear and if we don’t detect it and work to deal with it, it will stay with us for a long time. Try practicing relaxation exercises, taking breaks between tasks and, if you feel the need, seek help from a therapist to get you back into balance.

Lack of own space

For a while you will not be alone or alone with your partner. It’s a big change, but you’ll adapt quickly. Your baby’s warmth, the unconditional love he will have for you, will make you the one who won’t want to be away from him for too long. It’s a new family dynamic that is worth enjoying fully.

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