With The Birth Of A Child, Patience Is Born

Who has never had days when 24 hours seemed few and not enough? After your child is born, you learn that calm and waiting are qualities that add to your character.
With the birth of a child, patience is also born.

With the birth of a child, patience is also born. One of the characteristics of a good mother is how calm she is with her child. If, before birth, Mom was always anxious with the corner of her eye glued to the clock, since it gives birth, calm and serenity are her new companions.

The impatience and stress imposed by everyday life, or even the result of life’s competition both for wanting to achieve personal goals and for wanting to grow in the professional sphere, are suddenly stopped with the birth of a child and are meaningless.

A woman who becomes a mother learns that she doesn’t need to be in a hurry to raise a baby. She learns that it is a gift to be able to enjoy each of the moments that are lived by her side.

Motherhood gives these gifts:

  • The opportunity to participate in the education and training of another human being
  • Feeling first hand what love at first sight and sacrifice at any price really is
  • Reborn as a new woman who is more prepared, fairer and more tolerant. A woman may have a very inflexible manner, but as the months go by, she begins to learn to accept her little one’s behavior, way of being, thinking, and even antics. And he feels happy about it all.

patience is also born

A mother’s patience is her child’s cognitive and emotional well-being.

Patience is the human attitude and aptitude that provides the basis for tolerance. Thanks to it, another person is able to accept or at least deal with any kind of thing, person or situation they come across. Even so, a mother’s patience is different from any other being’s.

When a mother is patient with her child, she is also offering her unconditional love. With her body language a mother tells her child that she can wait; that it’s okay for him to take his time to enjoy the milk, play games, carefully observe any object, or finish the funny conversations he makes all the time, half babbling and half made-up words.

A child needs to do things in his own time to be able to assimilate step by step everything that is around him. She needs to learn in her own way and not feel pressured while being involved in a complete learning process. This process also includes imitating the behavior and articulate language of adults of your species.

A child does not understand the phrases “we have to hurry”, “do it fast”, “it’s running out of time” or “it’s getting late”. For her, the important thing is to satiate her curiosity and somehow take advantage of the time she lives to learn something.

patience is also born

Fortunately, a real mother knows this. She expects her child to touch the blouse to feel how it feels, to try it on to see what it tastes like, and to talk to the brightly colored flowers to see what they respond.

A child needs others to wait so he has enough time to learn, complete assimilations, and make important restatements in his learning process. It has the ability to capture and decode the information offered by its surroundings when it finds itself in a calm environment.

This child knows he is loved, wanted and accepted because of his mother’s patience. In these situations, recognition and appreciation of a person are also found. These values ​​begin to form a child who is emotionally strong and with high self-esteem.

With the birth of a child, patience is also born.

A mother knows that if she hadn’t had patience more than once, she would have lost her mind. Because raising a child can be an exhausting task. A mother knows that she has the patience on her side to help her through the most difficult times: during sleepless nights or the worst tantrums. She knows that patience will always be there, because a mother’s is infinite.

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