A Mother Was Born

a mother was born

The long-awaited moment has arrived. The moment of this powerful woman, this eternal bond, this great complicity. A mother was born and with her the desire to accumulate love, motives and experiences.

Once you get home with your baby, you’re faced with a bunch of basic tasks that require mothering skills to accomplish them. This will be your first contact with your new responsibility which will largely mean the psychological birth of your new identity.

That way, when you begin to respond to these new tasks, it will be possible to say that the mother in you was born. But what does this have to do? There are so many things that you probably go crazy wondering where to start. First of all, obviously, you need to keep your baby alive and safe… This sounds very simple, but it will raise a lot of fears that you will need to work on.


our first days as a mother

Caring for events to happen is usually one of the most natural and primitive feelings of mothers. Suddenly, the awareness that this little life depends on us awakens with great sweetness. We are also aware that we will be responsible for guiding our baby on its path.

Naturally, from this very basic concern, many others are born that will flood our days. That is why, in the instants when a mother is born, a woman is also born who, with her fears, her tiredness and her daily actions, takes care of her baby above all else.

Thus, the category of mother joins that of guardian, friend, lawyer, accomplice and protector. It’s at that moment so intense that we realize that what we’ve become is something very personal.

In fact, it’s often a feeling that pops into our consciousness suddenly, anywhere, anytime (this connection can happen in the hospital, at home, or a week after the baby is born while we’re out walking).

The unstoppable desire to take care of our baby

This overwhelming sense of connection to our inner caring mother can come as we hold our baby in our arms and feel how small and vulnerable he is. Or while we nurse him, or when we watch him while he sleeps.

“At that moment we feel that our world and our lives have completely changed and that, since then, our hearts will be out of our bodies forever…”

At the same time that we are born as a mother, many concerns arise. For example, a universal concern is that our baby breathes correctly.

Even though we play with it, the drive that drives us to see that our child is okay is strong and powerful. In fact, if we ignore it, this feeling can lead to a great anxiety attack.

Likewise, let’s be afraid that our baby is down for not getting the attention he needs. These worries, fortunately, lessen over time, even if they don’t go away completely.

It’s simple. The mother of a two-year-old will be preoccupied with takings, while the mother of a preteen will be distressed about kidnappings and traffic accidents.


Make the baby grow and develop

Mother and child develop together and, over time, tasks change. Thus, a second group of concerns is directed towards the objective of making the baby grow and develop.

“In that sense, we shouldn’t be concerned if the decision to breastfeed or bottle the baby turns into emotionally charged moments.”

Likewise, we will be left with doubts about some things, such as, for example, if our child is already big or, on the contrary, is still very small. Whether it explores or not, or what stage of development it is in, etc…

So, what may be simple for other people, for us represents an internal debate that is often full of disapproval about our attitudes as a mother.

Therefore, when we are born as mothers, thousands of insecurities, uncertainties and extra worries are born with us. Something that is sometimes complicated to deal with, but with time we managed to manage it perfectly.

That’s the way our mothers lived, that’s the way we raise precious children, and that’s how future mothers will continue to care for their offspring. Doubts and fears even make sense when we talk about motherhood…

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