Baby Matronation Benefits

Matronation promotes aquatic stimulation of babies, using play as a playful element, with many benefits. In addition to the fun of the newborn, it is very important to strengthen the connection between the baby and its parents.
Benefits of Baby Matronation

Babies need many hours of sleep to develop, but when they are awake, activities are fundamental to their education. Matronation is an excellent proposal to stimulate the body and mind of babies.

Among other benefits, this water activity allows parents and children to strengthen their emotional bond and enjoy moments of relaxation and learning.

What is baby matronation?

Although matronation proposes a series of movements and positions, we should not interpret it as a simple physical activity. Your goal is not just to teach your baby how to swim, because the little one’s locomotor system is suitable for swimming only after the fourth month of life.

On the one hand, using play as a playful element, matronation promotes aquatic stimulation for babies. With the help of their parents, little ones experience the sensation of moving in water and also learn to float. On the other hand, the activity proposes an exchange of sensations, touches and experiences between babies and parents.

Matronation also acts as a transitional stage and makes it easier for the baby to adapt to his new reality. Semi-immersion transports them back to the safety of the mother’s womb while experiencing their first contacts with the extrauterine world.

It should be remembered that matronation should always be coordinated by a guiding teacher and a specialist in this activity. The professional will be responsible for proposing the most appropriate movements and games according to the baby’s age and specific needs.

Benefits of Baby Matronation

This activity has the following advantages for the little ones:

  • Psychomotor stimulation : babies cannot walk or perform complex movements, as their locomotor system is still immature. Therefore, matronation is the best way to offer them the possibility to experiment with three-dimensional movements and work on their motor coordination.
  • Strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory system : aquatic stimulation through play and movement helps to strengthen the heart, lungs and vascular structure, which favors blood circulation. As a result, it also improves heart rate and optimizes tissue oxygenation.
  • Development of cognitive skills: the game proposed by matronation is a playful element that promotes the baby’s cognitive, emotional and social development. It is also observed that early aquatic stimulation facilitates learning and increases children’s creativity.
  • Strengthening the immune system : matronation improves physical endurance and stimulates tissue formation in babies’ bodies. This positively affects your immune system, decreasing your risk of suffering numerous diseases.

Strengthen the relationship between parents and children

In addition to the specifically physical advantages for the baby, it will also bring benefits in the interaction with parents:

  • Strengthening Parent-Child Bonds : While the love between parent and child is by nature unconditional, matronizing helps strengthen your bonds during early childhood. Through games, the activity allows parents and children to have fun getting to know each other and exchanging new experiences, affections and caresses.
  • Start your baby’s social life in a positive, safe and fun environment: matronage can be your baby’s first contact with the outside world and the family nucleus. Later, this child will find it very easy to adapt to new environments and live positively in society.
  • It provides relaxation, fun and security for the baby: this is essential for their well-being and proper physical and mental development.

Matronation and its benefits.

At what age can matronation begin?

There is no consensus on the best age to start matronating your baby. In the past, experts used to say that the ideal is to expect your locomotor and immune system to be fully developed. This usually happens between five or six months of life, but it can be more delicate if we talk about a premature baby.

Currently, this position is being reconsidered by many doctors and enthusiasts of matronation. Several researchers recognize the benefits of early aquatic stimulation for our children’s development.

Although this activity can be started very early, it is necessary to emphasize the need to adopt preventive measures to avoid hypothermia, otitis or an opportune cold.

So, remember to consult your trusted doctor before introducing your baby to matronation. After analyzing your health status and verifying your correct development, the professional will be able to give medical consent and will make sure that the activity will be beneficial for your little one.

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