Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby

healthy mother healthy baby

We often suggest that moms-to-be take double care for both themselves and the baby on the way. We know that for the baby you are carrying to be born healthy, the mother must also be healthy, this is the main reason we always give this advice.

Of course, there are opposing opinions on the subject, since, in fact, there are cases in which the baby has survived a complicated pregnancy with determination or without proper care.

However, in this article we will adopt the premise that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, we recognize that the chances that a baby will be born healthy when the mother is also healthy.

Likewise, the chances that a perfectly planned and cared-for pregnancy will not work out as we wish there are also. Even so, the reason for all the care and efforts is to try to provide the best environment for the baby to develop in the best possible way.

What does it mean to be really healthy?


During pregnancy, a woman goes through different changes, many of them natural in this process. But there may also be medical conditions that have been triggered by the pregnancy process. This turns the mother into a time bomb, even when she is not the reason for this situation.

In this article, we’ll look at situations in which a mother struggles to stay healthy during pregnancy. To be in good condition at this stage,  we can say that we will go through common and easily overcome circumstances, that is, even if some health inconveniences occur, they will not be serious for either the baby or the mother.

A healthy mother is one who takes care of her diet, exercises and tries not to get stressed. But, above all, it is healthy for those who are aware that they must make extra efforts to preserve their baby’s health.

It is sometimes normal for a pregnant woman to have high blood pressure problems or retain fluids. This is not to say that it is unhealthy, but trying to control and take care of these problems is the best option.


Being healthy means:

  • Keep a balanced diet and do not eat large amounts or any type of food in excess. That is, respecting the levels of intake of calories, sugars and fats while considering the necessary portions indicated to each individual.
  • Practice exercises suited to your physical condition. A pregnant woman has no impediment to performing a muscle movement routine. However, they must be adapted to your current condition. Less abrupt and more relaxed.
  • Try to maintain mental balance and practices that provide well-being for you and the people around you. Mental health is needed to face the changes that are taking place and those to come. Also, according to experts, the baby can sense our mood.
  • Being prepared in every way to receive the baby makes us feel better. Financial or lack of planning concerns should be avoided. It is ideal to try to maintain a sense of well-being.
  • Regular consultation with the doctor is not synonymous with well-being. But following the experts’ advice will no doubt make you feel good. It is not enough to be present at the consultations, it is also necessary to apply the suggestions that are made. If we need any supplements, we should include them in our diet.
  • It is not always enough to be told that everything is fine. It is essential for the mother to believe that her baby is as healthy as she is. Therefore, we recommend taking the exams suggested by the doctor to monitor all phases of the sweet wait.

It’s no coincidence that people tell mothers-to-be that they should take care of themselves for the baby. This little being that we are helping to form within us depends to a large extent on what we are  as it develops in our womb. A healthy mother breeds healthy children because from an early age they follow in our footsteps.

Even if for some reason we come to think that our actions during pregnancy won’t affect the baby, and even if they don’t, our mission is to protect this new life as much as possible. Considering that the baby’s health depends on the mother’s good health is reason enough to make greater efforts.

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