How To Deal With The Terrible Two Years?

In this article, we’ll tell you all about “the terrible two years”. We offer some recommendations for dealing with the difficulties that may arise with your little one during these very special and intense months.
How to deal with the terrible two years?

Each of the stages of childhood has its particularities. There are moments of tenderness when our children demonstrate gestures and actions that are really adorable and often even fun. But on the other hand, we also went through critical and difficult times.

Of all stages of childhood, no doubt, the terrible two years is a stage that requires special attention, tolerance and love. This is because it is precisely at this age that the beginning of childhood independence is determined.

Guiding and educating a two-year-old can be difficult at times. So, as a mother, it’s up to us to deal with your desires to walk, feed, or dress completely on our own. Therefore, it is necessary to have a lot of patience and tolerance even though the results can often be disastrous.

The two years can be one of the most determining ages for children, once the ability to choose is formed. For example, little ones begin to choose what clothes they want to wear, which direction they want to walk, what they are going to wear, and whether or not they want to take a shower.

At this age, they show part of their essence and personality. It is also at this stage that they are incredibly energetic, courageous and unpredictable compared to previous months.

classic behavior of the terrible two years

the terrible two years

In this fun and special stage, we can notice different behaviors and behaviors that we should take advantage of, but also eventually correct. Here are some of them:

  • Regarding emotions, children of this age can clearly show how they feel at each moment. For example, sincere happiness over a family member’s visit or heartache if you don’t comply with some of their wishes.
  • It’s easy to get kids’ attention in those awful two years. However, this attention  can easily be lost if some activity becomes monotonous or unattractive to your senses.
  • Children can be very sensitive and somewhat self-centered. They may wish, for example, to be the princesses of the house or the mother’s little warriors.
  • The tantrums, the screams, the tantrums and even a little aggression can be typical behaviors that characterize the terrible two years.

    Recommendations for dealing with the terrible two years

    1. Reward your child for good behavior

    It is necessary to emphasize that good behavior will be recognized and that this way the child can get what he or she wants a little faster. This recommendation will reinforce the value of the effort.

    2. Exemplary conduct

    When a family sets a good example, it’s easier to see the positive things children can bring. The terrible two years stand out for the repetition of words and behavior of those around.

    3. Establish rules

    Imposing norms and keeping them firm will be beneficial for your child in the future, in order to integrate into society in a polite way.

    4. Teach how to express yourself with words

    This will prevent tantrums and crying. It is important to show the child that he will not get anything he wants from negative behavior.

    the terrible two years

    5. Give decision-making power

    From time to time it’s good to put your child in situations of choice: what he wants to eat, what toy he wants to play with, or what clothes he wants to wear. Children like to feel that their opinions are taken into account.

    6. Let them experience the consequences

    If you’ve repeated what can happen many times, allow your child to experience small consequences (as long as it doesn’t compromise their integrity). So maybe next time he’ll pay more attention to what you say.

    7. Relax a little

    Clutter around your little one is normal at two years of age. Try not to wear yourself out looking for perfection at home so as not to add more tension to the moment you are living.

    Despite the difficulties, without a doubt, two years can be one of the most beautiful, creative and fascinating ages. As mothers, we just have to live this moment and give our child the best because he only needs our support and tolerance as he grows up.

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