Bottle Or Breastfeeding: Which Is The Best Option?

Breastfeeding or bottle? Here we will present the advantages and disadvantages of each feeding method.

In the world of motherhood, there is a quite transcendent controversy regarding the feeding of newborns. Will we talk about which is better: breastfeeding or the bottle? This subject can surely be the most important for moms.

The debate starts, because it is about the well-being, health and future of babies.

On the one hand: natural breastfeeding

Baby bottle 2

Certainly natural foods are better for our body, this has been proven in several ways by science. However,  we shouldn’t be too radical and see things so simply.

In addition to insisting that breastfeeding is the only viable or recommendable option, we must also remember that, despite being rare,  cases in which babies do not accept breast milk can exist.

Breast milk is much more digestible for babies, but when a baby doesn’t like this milk, the bottle has advantages

perfect food

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast milk covers all the nutritional needs of newborns. This means that there is no risk of malnutrition or obesity.

This milk has all the exact amounts of sugars, vitamins and proteins required by the baby. Therefore, it has a second virtue:  breast milk is much more digestible for the little ones.

continuous growth process

Breastfeeding is nature’s way for mothers to be able to continue contributing to the growth of their babies.

When talking about breastfeeding, it should be related to natural fats that contribute to the formation of tissue and cell membranes. Something similar happens with iron absorption. The distribution of components from breast milk facilitates this process.

According to some studies, babies who are breastfed absorb nutrients better than those who use breastmilk substitutes.

Fighting Allergies

Another positive aspect of breastfeeding is the contribution it makes to the baby’s immune system. Almost no babies are allergic to breast milk. Allergy is more likely to arise with “artificials”.

However, this is not all. In fact, taking this liquid can help strengthen your immune system from an early age. This fact implies that through food, the mother transfers a large amount of antibodies to the baby.

Theoretically , infections, allergies and viruses will affect them much less. These children may be healthier in the future.

On the other side: the bottle

Baby bottle 1

While the advantage of breastfeeding seems to be natural and biological, the bottle wins the game for other aspects, of the social and psychological type. And as we already know, not everything is natural in our existence. The world evolves, advances and allows us to know other options.

If we compare our current lifestyle with that of women in early human societies, we can see different advances. This is a factor that must be considered at all times.

Among the options that modernity offers us, there are different types of “artificial” milk that can be classified into starter formulas, continuity formulas and cow’s milk.

Nowadays women have many assignments and life is not what it used to be. With the bottle, we can measure everything and make sure we give the best diet and extra elements to benefit babies.

maternal planning

New knowledge allows us to plan for the growth of our babies. And this is another of the advantages that a bottle can offer.

Through this instrument, we can accurately calculate everything we give our children. Not only that, it also gives us more specific control over the hours of eating and sleeping.

The bottle when feeding the baby can allow us more intimacy in public places for those who prefer it, as well as practicality, among other aspects.

In a world where we talk about evolution, and without a doubt the bottle is important.

Thanks to this implement, women can continue their activities more easily, including from time to time a certain independence for both the mother and the baby.

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