Teach Your Kids What To Do If They Get Lost

Teach your kids what to do if they get lost

The child getting lost in a public place is a situation we don’t think about until the day it happens. They are often times of tension  and despair.

The rules every child should know

This preparation should begin when your children are very young, as soon as they start to walk. You should establish a plan as you go out and ask your children to follow your instructions to the letter, even when they are not around you.

  • Remind them that they should not move away to a place where you are not present to supervise them. They should always be in your field of vision and hearing.
  • Make sure that, from a very young age, they know their full name and, of course, yours as well. That way it will be easier to identify you.
  • Make it clear that if you’re not around they shouldn’t accept anything from strangers. Much less getting into someone’s car.
  • Teach the little ones that if they are in a place where they cannot see you, a good solution is to sit on the floor and try to call or shout your name so you can find them.
  • Explain that if they get lost, they should look for a person responsible for safety, a lifeguard, or any other person in authority. If that is not possible, the least dangerous option is to ask other mothers who are with their children for help. To set an example, when you’re out with your kids, ask for information at a store. That way, it will be easier to imitate your actions and children will not panic immediately after getting lost.
  • Point out that when they are in an open public place, they should hold hands with you. Explain that this will prevent any strangers from harming them. If your child is still very young, the best choice is to take him for a drive and let him enjoy the view.
  • If you go out somewhere with a little older child, you can set up a meeting place, which you both must go to if your child gets lost from you.

get lost

Prevention measures you should take:

  • Even if your children know your cell phone number, always write it down. Whether it’s a bracelet, a sticker or a temporary tattoo that allows anyone to find you and get in touch. Another option is to write your number inside the shoes or on the child’s T-shirt labels.
  • If you go outdoors with a lot of people, you can dress your kids in T-shirts in colors that are easy to spot in the crowd. Colorful and flashy clothes also serve to ward off potential kidnappers.
  • Always have current photos of your kids on your cell phone. This can help a lot if you get lost. Because if you need to ask for help and referrals, it will be much easier to do so with a clear picture.
  • Have an identification kit. Does it seem like an exaggeration? But it’s not when a child is lost. Make sure you always have your child’s physical characteristics, such as height, weight and even fingerprints, within reach, written down in the diary or on a card. It’s much better to be forewarned.
  • Buy an identification bracelet: Nowadays it is quite common to find these bracelets. There is space in them to put your contact details and essential information. And even allergies the child has, or the medications they might take. Temporary tattoos can also be very effective and fun for your kids.

    get lost

    what should i do if my child gets lost

    • Before you get into despair, try looking in the places around you, your child probably didn’t get very far. Think about the things that might have caught his attention. This might give you an idea of ​​where to start looking.
    • If you were not successful with the above advice get help as soon as possible. Be it with a police guard, or an employee of the place you are and who knows the place perfectly.
    • Ask the police for help if your child doesn’t show up after 5 or 10 minutes. The sooner you act, the easier it will be to find the path he followed.

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