Swimming For Babies: A Wonderful Experience

Swimming for babies is not just about helping your child learn to swim. In fact, swimming itself is a mechanism that will only develop later.
Swimming for babies: a wonderful experience

The main purpose of baby swimming is to promote wonderful psychomotor stimulation in the child while the bond between mother or father and child is intensified.

Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the terms. Many people think that this type of exercise will make children learn to swim as soon as possible, thus avoiding terrible drowning so common among children under 3 years old. However, experts say this will not happen until the

4 years old, when the child’s body begins to have sufficient conditions to be able to perform swimming exercises properly.

We must never forget that. However, the sooner the child has this intimate contact with water, the better. Swimming for babies has many advantages: it promotes psychomotor development, increases safety and, of course, provides wonderful moments with our children.

Swimming for Babies: 5 Things to Consider

If in your city or region there is a swimming pool enabled for this type of activity, consider the idea of ​​going with your child. If you like swimming, if you want to get away from the routine, if you want to show your child fantastic learning opportunities, don’t hesitate. Swimming for babies is an experience you won’t regret.

Below are 5 factors you should consider that will help you decide to swim.

swim for babies

1. What are the benefits of swimming for babies?

  • Favors the child’s relaxation and safety.
  • Practice simple mobility exercises, such as learning to float, turn, move your legs and arms to get around in and under water. In short, it promotes motor coordination.
  • All of this helps the child to mature with more confidence, stimulating areas of the brain related to psychomotricity.
  • The baby’s cardiorespiratory endurance increases. This is a great advantage as it can prevent some problems in the future, such as asthma, for example.
  • If the baby continues to do common swimming exercises until he is 3 or 4 years old, it will be better to avoid accidents.
  • Swimming for two years helps children to be more interactive and more observant. Furthermore, it also favors creativity.
  • We cannot forget the social level. A baby who has contact with other children and adults will be able to develop their social skills from an early age and relate much better in the future.

2. When can I start swimming with my baby?

Pediatricians recommend waiting until 4 or 5 months. Before that age it would not be very appropriate because the newborn’s immune system is not yet mature enough.

The child may be at risk of acquiring infections or even suffering from the discomfort of ear infections. However, we also know that every child is different. While some 3-month-old babies may already be more than prepared, others must wait until 6 months if they were born prematurely, for example.

In case of any doubt, consult your pediatrician.

3. Which type of pool should I choose?

There’s one thing you should consider: We shouldn’t be swimming for babies on our own, just going to a public pool, for example.

  • Look for specialized places where baby swimming is performed. Thus, competent professionals will be able to guide you in all aspects.
  • Pools must always be covered and heated. Ideally, the water temperature is always above 32ºC.

    swim for babies

    4. What time of day is best for swimming lessons?

    Time is an important issue. These classes should not change our babies’ routine. By that, we mean not to break your usual sleep or eating schedule.

    Swimming lessons usually last about 35 minutes. It is not much. But obviously we have to consider transportation, dressing the babies, changing them, etc… It’s a time that we must calculate precisely.

    There’s one thing we shouldn’t forget: if your baby is one of those who normally have trouble sleeping and who wake up frequently, then swimming could be your solution.

    5. What do I need to go to swimming lessons?

    The best thing is to ask for information at the places that carry out these activities. The main question that most mothers usually have is the issue of diapers. What should the child wear during swimming lessons?

    • There are really practical reusable swimming diapers that are made specifically for this type of activity.
    • Bring a hooded towel for your baby as, when coming out of the water, the little one will immediately feel the temperature change.
    • Many parents usually take one of the toys they use at home for bath time. In this way, the child can feel familiar with these objects in a new environment.
    • If your child is already starting to consume foods other than breast milk, don’t hesitate to take a snack ready to eat after school. Swimming makes you very hungry!

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