The Importance Of Learning To Manage Time At Home

The time we spend at home with our children can mark their education now and in the future. The child needs to learn how to manage time at home because his personal organization will depend on it when he grows up.
The importance of learning to manage time at home

Generally, the home is the space where the family spends most of their time. The moments lived in it must be good and useful for a quality coexistence. The child must learn to manage time at home. That way she will make the best use of it.

Each member of the family has their own material, personal and emotional needs, which vary according to age. Leisure is a necessary part of life at home, as it is essential to live well. However, if we devote too much time to leisure, it will prevent us from achieving many other goals in life.

It is important to know how to manage time at home properly. The idea is for it to be beneficial at all times of the day and lead to well-being and the achievement of more important goals.

Learning to manage time at home

Time is an investment and whatever is done with it has consequences. Although existence is by its nature chaotic, human beings evolved through knowledge. In this way, they organized themselves to obtain the greatest possible well-being.

The benefits of organizing daily life can be seen at any age. Adults are responsible for getting children to start managing their available time responsibly.

Mismanagement of time can have negative consequences, even more serious than we think. A good resource for teaching younger people are real examples.

Tips for optimizing your time at home

Plan a schedule of tasks

This helps to remind us what is pending or what is most important as we may forget due to the large number of urgent tasks.

In short, the idea is to prioritize what’s really important, to do that first. However, the schedule must not be inflexible. It’s just a tool because, in the end, it’s the people that matter.

Daily routines provide security but can be excessive. Lists enslave and sometimes distract from what is really essential. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to ignore them.

Tips for optimizing your time at home

A balance between time devoted to homework and leisure

It’s not all about duties and tasks. It is necessary to have moments for rest, entertainment or simply doing nothing.

For children, this leisure is even more important. It’s the time for games, sports and “make believe”, which are essential for your growth and learning.

Children’s play only becomes a problem when it overruns other productive activities. This is especially observed among children and teenagers when they spend a lot of time in front of the television, with electronic devices or sedentary games.

Make time for affection and social and family interaction

Affection, sometimes, is something that is quite forgotten in the coexistence. So, putting the affection habit on a schedule is a great way to keep track of it .

We are not automatons: we need kisses and hugs, as well as verbal expressions of affection, affectionate communication and conversation. As a result, we acquired self-esteem and achieved good integration and a good family environment.

The house is also a place for life projects

The personal projects that are the basis of the future are not limited to the school space or work. They remain at home and for that reason there must be time to continue to develop them there.

Include tours and vacations

It is necessary to leave the house from time to time. In addition to representing a moment of rest, from a distance, it is possible to appreciate and value the nest even more.

The house is not a prison. In children’s imaginations, memories of fun outings and family vacations will remain forever.

Benefícios de uma boa administração do tempo em casa

Benefits of good time management at home

Learning to manage time at home reduces tension and stress. This provides physical and psychological well-being as it gives a feeling of control.

Furthermore, it is a task that leaves a lot of learning. Between them:

  • Acquire responsibility and maturity from an early age.
  • Get organized, rank, internalize the value of planning and complete what was started.
  • What is learned at school in relation to affective education, coexistence, respect, values ​​and the act of sharing is complemented. This determines how children will be with their adult peers in the future.
  • Taking care of the home, themselves and their loved ones.

In short, teaching children to manage their time is not just a parent’s unfounded whim. The benefits are real and very important for the future.

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