6 Phrases To Teach Emotional Intelligence

The use of emotions in education: emotional intelligence
6 sentences to teach emotional intelligence

Teaching emotional intelligence is going beyond learning and grounding academic knowledge. It is about learning to manage emotions and to live harmoniously with other human beings throughout the different stages of development.

When talking about intelligence, it always referred to the ability to learn. Its foundation was knowledge and the ability to use it. The entire academic system was based on this concept.

Since the 1990s, there has been talk of teaching emotional intelligence, investing in it as a way to enable other types of intelligence. It is therefore necessary to guide the children in this direction. For this reason, it may be helpful to develop a few sentences to teach children emotional intelligence.

In these sentences we try to make emotions implicit, as they are a fundamental part of human life. Knowing how to manage and use these emotions to lead a more efficient life is what is meant by emotional intelligence. Therefore, the educational system tends to initiate children earlier and earlier in the development of this type of intelligence.

Phrases to Teach Emotional Intelligence

1- Understand what you feel. Teaching a child from an early age to recognize their emotions will allow them to better handle them. Responses to emotions such as anger, anger, frustration can be out of control if the child does not develop the ability to recognize and deal with them. By learning to control them, you will improve your ability to relate to others effectively. At the same time, the child will feel better about himself.

2- Stay in the present. The phrase being in the here and now ” may sound like a cliché, but it’s one of the most useful. Being in the present is the best way to become aware of yourself. In this way, the child will be able to know what triggers certain responses and be aware of the relationship between their reactions and their emotions. This gives the child more control over himself.

It is important to be present and educate in emotional intelligence.

By staying in the now, you avoid harmful emotions such as anguish, worry, and guilt. A child who does not develop self-awareness ignores his weaknesses and will not have the confidence that comes from knowing his own strengths.

3- Silence is good. Many say that a child in silence is cause for concern. But when we talk about emotional intelligence, silence is one of the important skills to develop.

The importance of listening

4- Listen carefully. With this phrase, we teach the child to actively listen. Active listening is the key to effective communication. This means teaching your child three basic things: pay attention to what you are told; handle your body language to show your listener you’re listening; and being able to summarize the general idea of ​​what was said.

What do we get with this? Improvements in school performance and, mainly, in relationships with others, because effective communication implies respect for others.

5- May the heart and reason always accompany you. The adults sometimes go to one of these extremes. We are either overly rational or we lose track by acting impulsively. This phrase for teaching emotional intelligence tells us to look for balance.

teach your kids emotional intelligence

Teach your child that the balance between the two ways of acting is optimal. It won’t always be easy, but it’s vital to exercise to reach your goal.

Empathy as a communication tool

6- Put yourself in the other’s shoes: empathy is one of the pillars of emotional intelligence. Getting a child to understand the feelings of others is a very important step. By taking on the feelings of others, we become more involved with our own feelings. It is a bilateral process in which both individuals win.

You learn to understand what the other wants or needs. A child who develops empathy will be a trusted adult with special skills in professions that involve constant contact with other people.

These phrases for teaching emotional intelligence can be kept on display in the classroom, in the child’s bedroom, or even printed on T-shirts in a fun way.

Emotional development and cognitive development are essential for the maturation and transformation of children into more balanced and complete adults.

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