5 Fashionable Sports For Pregnant Women

5 fashionable sports for pregnant women

Exercising during pregnancy is essential for your health and that of the little prince or princess in your belly. For this reason, we are going to show you the trend for 2017 in relation to more efficient and fun sports for pregnant women.

Sports, like the fitness lifestyle, are now gaining more and more followers. Every day, more people want to have a healthy life or take care of their bodies.  Above all, it is amazing how many pregnant women have entered this world of exercise routines perfectly adapted to their physical conditions.

This theme never failed to raise some doubts, specifically in relation to some points such as: “how often do you practice exercises?”, “how long should the exercises be performed?” or, still, “is it good to demand a little more from my body?”. The truth is that dedicating 30 to 40 minutes of your free time every day, without pressing yourself and doing the activity at your own pace, will be enough for both of you to stay healthy.

The most important element when playing sports is moderation. Because exercising can become totally counterproductive if you overdo it in terms of effort and the amount of time devoted to the sport. Likewise, practicing proper exercises is essential. But for this they must be coordinated by someone specialized in sports for pregnant women. Only then will you get safe results, in addition to being very effective.

Top 5: sports for pregnant women


Before carrying out any activity, it is necessary to consult a trusted doctor. In this way, he will advise you on choosing an exercise that is suitable for your health. If you want to be part of an activity group to train and improve your health, you should know the following sports that are in fashion for women who are living the most beautiful phase of their lives:

1. Aquabiking:  Have you ever practiced or heard about spinning? Today, pregnant women are privileged, as aquabiking is a way of spinning in a swimming pool.

This sport is not only super safe, preventing any type of accident, it also provides a feeling of relief from back pain, tones the legs, reduces venous problems, prevents excessive weight gain, helps to work on breathing and, above all, to maintain an excellent posture.

2. Runing: the truth is that pregnancy is simply another phase of life and should be seen exactly like that. If you are a woman who played sports before pregnancy or are in good physical condition, this fashionable activity is right for you. These are brisk walks in rhythm and time (15 minutes), during which the heart rate must be controlled.

The ideal is to carry out this activity wearing sturdy and special running shoes. Likewise, there is no lack of a heart rate monitor (you must respect the maximum of 140-145 beats per minute; if at any time you feel your heart rate is higher, you should rest and slow down).

More modern sports for you


In addition to aquabiking and running, there are well-known sports, but they are still glamorous and modern. Some of them are:

3. Pilates: This exercise allows you to develop flexibility, balance, absolute control over your body, just like breathing. It strengthens different muscles, such as those in your legs and pelvic floor, with a series of movements that will help you relax. It also develops your coordination.

4. Zumba: of When we are  aware that we are pregnant is totally normal to feel increasingly tired. But if possible, practice zumba for pregnant women.

The basic recommendations are: Always keep one foot on the ground, walk from side to side avoiding jumping, move your arms with less intensity, avoid turning sharply and always look in the same direction.

5. Swimming: Swimming is an excellent sport when you are pregnant. It is a sport that allows you to work several muscles throughout the body, just like Aquabiking . Playing sports in the water can prevent injuries, falls or sprains. Overall, swimming provides a relaxing effect at the end of the day.

With all these options, you can guarantee a happy delivery, and at the ideal time, without neglecting your state of mind, your energy reserve and your stamina.  Transform your life, take care of your diet and prioritize the health of your pregnancy, put it above all things. Your child will thank you with love and smiles, as well as a lot of affection.

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