What Are The Characteristics Of A Bad Teacher?

Know the characteristics of a bad teacher to identify behaviors that could affect your child’s education.
What are the characteristics of a bad teacher?

Many educators have the false belief that the use of rigidity is the method that should be followed for children to learn better. This couldn’t be further from reality, because that way the kids won’t pay attention. In addition, they will also be afraid, creating a conflict that will only get worse in the future.

Unfortunately, far from applying positive learning, this quasi-military teaching method still persists in many educators. In this article, we want to explain the characteristics that identify a bad teacher.

A bad teacher always…

Searches for the culprits and causes some fear

He likes to expose his students for their failures and even ridicule them. Furthermore, this type of teacher usually generates bad behavior in the student, thus decreasing their learning ability.

He can make his fears increase in the face of any questioning, especially when, for some reason, the student might make a mistake in response to a question asked by the teacher.

This even generates a certain degree of lack of confidence in students, causing their interventions to be reduced due to the fear of being wrong.

Does not encourage participation or is based on continuous evaluation

A bad teacher never takes into account the participation of his students. He always wants to have complete and absolute control of the class, including denying additional explanations when a student wants to delve into a certain subject, arguing that he cannot delay the academic program.

A bad teacher always looks for the guilty

Blame the students for the bad results of the whole class

A bad teacher doesn’t stop and think about why 90% of students have received a bad grade. However, he says that everything is a result of the students’ lack of interest in the subjects studied. He never assesses what his role was in all of this.

Don’t worry about updating yourself

A bad teacher always maintains a line of teaching that looks to the past. He doesn’t care about improving or updating himself with new technologies. Many of them don’t even allow their students to use these modern and advanced features.

want to be the authority

For some teachers, keeping a cautious distance from their students is of great benefit to them. Mainly because that way they will be seen as the true authority.

However, it is considered that all teachers who come to relate closely with their students are those who are most respected and admired by them, providing a level of confidence and security for the rest of their lives.

don’t go deep

A bad teacher is only interested in teaching his students basic things about the topics studied. As a result of the fear it generates, students will not be able to ask the teacher for a better explanation.

teacher who doesn't like children

In short, don’t like children

Certainly a good teacher should have some empathy towards each of his students and try to make them enjoy their time in class. But why do some teachers not like children?

  • In elementary schools, the main reason is the screams and racket that students usually make. Something normal at this age.
  • In high schools, what happens is that students are young and, many times, teachers think that they are not able to pay attention or take interest, that they care more about other things.
  • In college, professors are more demanding people for the little they charge, needing a greater effort to teach their students with greater sacrifice. If the motivation is nil, the consequence is clear.

In short, what exists is a lack of commitment to students, but also many deficiencies in their knowledge.

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