Sun Protection For Babies

Sun protection takes time and dedication, even more so when it comes to babies.
Sun protection in babies

When it comes to child care, no measure is overdone. Even more when we talk about the prevention of damage caused by the sun, sun protection in babies, without a doubt, is a subject of great relevance.

Sun protection in babies and infancy

According to information from the page in English of the  FDA ( Food and Drug Administration )  in the United States, when asked whether to apply sun protection for babies,  Dr. Hari Cheryl Sachs, a pediatrician from the Food and Drug Administration says that in principle, no.

However, he says the best strategy is to  keep babies under six months out of the sun. And, above all, prevent them from being exposed to the sun between 10 am and 2 pm, when ultraviolet (UV) rays are stronger.

It is something that is not difficult to follow. The pediatrician’s justification is that the baby’s skin is much less mature than that of adults. It also has a higher proportion of surface area to body weight compared to older children and adults.

sun protection on babies

At the same time, and following the same line of reasoning, Dr. Paula Luna, from the Department of Pediatric Dermatology, Hospital Ramos Mejía, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, highlights that between  50 and 80% of the sun exposure in our lives occurs in the first 20 years ,  and that the effects of ultraviolet rays (UVR) are irreversible and cumulative.

But then what?

As pointed out by Dr. Luna,  children under the age of 3 are even more vulnerable to UV rays, mainly because they have lower levels of melanin, thinner stratum corneum, and a different exposed area/body mass ratio. Consequently, they are more susceptible to the sun.

Some tips for sun protection in babies

Some tips that Dr., on the one hand, proposes are:

  • Avoid peak hours of the sun.
  • Stay in the shade and wear suitable clothing.
  • Use sunscreen.

Thus, in babies under 6 months, due to the conditions mentioned above, it is essential to  avoid the sun. Also, the use of sunscreens is not recommended.

What happens to protection from the sun’s rays in childhood?

According to the rules of the  Food and Drug Administration  (FDA), there are:

  • 17 approved ingredients and others under review. If the sun protection factor (SPF) is greater than 15 and is broad-spectrum (UVB and UVA), it helps prevent sunburn and, if used correctly, prevents premature aging and sun cancer.
  • On the other hand, if the SPF is less than 15 or is not broad-spectrum, it can be said that it only helps to prevent burns.

    What should we expect from pediatricians?

    • Guidance, since, according to Dr. Luna’s opinion, recommendations regarding sun care should be part of the routine of controlling every healthy child.
    • Strengthen care for children aged 9–10 and make them responsible.

    Sun protection in babies

    • It should be  strongly discourage the realization of tanning.
    • Avoid the sun during peak hours.
    • Always prefer the shade when possible.
    • Do not habitually use SPF in children under six months.

    Difficult? Complicated?

    No doubt, at first glance, it may seem difficult or complicated to protect babies from the sun, but the cost of not doing so turns out to be very high and harmful for them. Making a habit of protecting yourself from the sun, in the same way that we have the habit of wearing a seatbelt or doing our dental hygiene, can certainly be a very important practice.

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