How To Teach Children Tolerance

Being able to accept, respect and understand others better is to have tolerance and is part of traditional values. It is critical that children develop this ability in order to build bridges, not walls that separate people.
How to teach tolerance to children

It is important to cultivate good qualities in little ones from childhood, as well as instilling values ​​and principles. Therefore, for them to have a good development, it is essential to teach tolerance to children.

Developing this skill will help them to have a good relationship with family and friends, and it will also allow them to respect and value the opinions of others, even if they are different from their own.

What does tolerance mean?

The meaning of tolerance is related to an attitude of respect and openness to the most diverse people, regardless of ethnicity, religion or physical and intellectual disabilities. It means learning from others and finding affinities, creating new bonds and rejecting unfair stereotypes.

It’s the opposite of prejudice, as it means accepting everyone as they are, and treating them the way you’d like them to treat you.

Tolerance as an essential part of life

You must prepare your children so that they can live and work in diverse communities. It is essential that they learn to tolerate differences with an open mind.

This will benefit them both now and in the future. Thus, they will also have more educational and business opportunities. People will see in their children qualities such as understanding, and the ability to value others and to work in a harmonious way as a team.


A tolerância como parte essencial da vida

13 Ways to Teach Children Tolerance

Since children are not born tolerant, it is very important that you start to educate them from an early age. The simplest ways to teach tolerance to children are:

  1. You are the best example. Don’t insult or make fun of people. Take care of any detail that, while it may seem silly to you, will certainly be copied by your child.
  2. Teach them to talk and listen to others without trying to make their ideas the best.
  3. If you have the opportunity, travel to different countries to experience other cultures. This will enrich the child’s life experiences and, in addition, it will open his mind to the different races and ways of life that exist.
  4. Read books, short stories, stories and watch movies about tolerance.
  5. Encourage them to be generous and share with others.
  6. Show how they can seek unity and respect, as well as common ground, rather than fighting.
  7. Allow them to work in groups.
  8. Play games that encourage differences of opinion.
  9. Help them to have high self-esteem and feel respected, valued and accepted.
  10. Carefully choose a care facility, school or camp with a lot of diversity. Thus, they will have the opportunity to socialize with people who are different from them.
  11. Learn from them about the different holidays and religious celebrations that are not part of their tradition.
  12. Answer their questions about the differences, but in a respectful and honest way. Your children will know that having differences observed and analyzed is acceptable.
  13. Show your recognition and acceptance of the differences that exist in your own family. Appreciate the skills, styles and interests that make each person in the family unique.

Limits in teaching tolerance to children

Having tolerance is not the same as respecting and accepting all types of behavior. That is, disrespectful and harmful behavior should not be tolerated.

Children should be aware that it is inappropriate to bother or be mean to someone. Likewise, you must not allow them to break social rules, such as stealing, for example.


Limites no ensino de tolerância às crianças

Basic principles for teaching children tolerance

Children have the innate ability to be tolerant. However, it may be helpful for them that you, as a parent, do the following:

  • show yourself compassionate
  • do not allow aggression
  • Don’t mess with people or disrespect them
  • When facing difficulties, try to remain calm
  • Be grateful

Main benefits for children

Explain that tolerance shouldn’t be neglected because, in fact, it should be your axis. With this, you will leave your children open to life with an attitude of admiration, empathy and warmth. They will be able to have a space in life with variety and nuance, but with dignity.

Ultimately, teaching children to have tolerance for differences with others is their responsibility. Don’t neglect your children’s education so they can grow up healthily. Also, send an excellent and powerful message of tolerance with your daily attitudes so that they follow in your footsteps.

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