A Tale For Learning To Deal With The Most Dangerous Emotions

A tale for learning to deal with the most dangerous emotions

It is often helpful to educate children through storytelling to teach them how to deal with emotions. They are usually adult-created stories that teach lessons on how to face the challenges that arise in life. It’s a beautiful way to learn to manage how you feel in a healthy, assertive and mature way.

Next, we’ve chosen a precious tale about friendship and its value.

The Princess and the Emerald Dragon: A Tale to Learn

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a far distant kingdom. Her parents, who loved her very much, owned a huge castle surrounded by woods and mountains. There were animals of all kinds: from small mice to huge elephants and they all lived happily, respecting each other. 

The princess’s best friend was a little lion and they played together every day. They also shared stories of all kinds, even fear stories, which kept the princess from sleeping at night. The ones that frightened her most were the ones about the legend of the Emerald Dragon. This dragon was very evil and had fun scaring people and other animals.

The legend of the Emerald Dragon

When the princess heard something about this dragon, she was very angry with her friend. She screamed and cursed because she knew she would be too scared at night and that she wouldn’t be able to sleep. The lion, who was very playful, had a lot of fun scaring his friend.

However, one night, the princess got really angry and threw a rock at the lion. She hurt him a lot and the lion started to cry. Each one went to his house and the princess was very sad. She didn’t want to tell her parents anything so they wouldn’t be mad at what she’d done.

The next day, she went to find her friend to apologize, but the little lion had disappeared. Everyone looked for him, but he was nowhere. For 3 days and 3 nights, no one knew anything about the lion. Finally, one of the mice said he had found him : he was trapped in the Emerald Dragon’s hideout.  

-There is nothing to do – said his friends. The princess was scared and confused. She wanted to help her friend, but she was too scared. Her parents still didn’t know why she was so sad and it made her feel worse.

Finally, he gathered his courage, took a sword and went in search of the dragon. She found him hiding in a cave, deep in the forest. When he saw him, he thought about turning back because the dragon was much bigger and fiercer than his lion friend had said. But then she remembered that she needed to be brave. So she approached, trembling, the place where the monstrous reptile was.

The princess faces the dragon in the cave

Release my friend or I will kill you with my sword, you evil dragon! – Shouted the young woman. But to her surprise, the dragon watched her in confusion. He hadn’t kidnapped his friend. The little lion had gotten lost in the forest and had been injured, the dragon was taking care of his friend.

The princess was very surprised. It really didn’t look like that gigantic animal was lying. He also didn’t look as terribly mean as in the tales. She was a little embarrassed for thinking this about the dragon without even knowing it.

emerald dragon

“I thought, being a dragon, you would be evil,” she said. The dragon explained that she couldn’t believe appearances. The most important thing was not what you saw, but what was inside, and the girl realized that she had misjudged the dragon just because it was huge and had big teeth. Legends always described him as evil, but what people didn’t know was that he was a good dragon, whose beauty lay within.

He lived alone in the forest because no one wanted to be with someone so big and fearsome. The little lion had decided to stay with him so the dragon wouldn’t be alone and now they had become great friends. When the princess saw him, healthy and calm, she ran to ask for forgiveness.

The princess and the lion make up

-Forgive me please. I know I didn’t need to be so mad, let alone hurt you. I won’t do it again – the princess said as she hugged the lion.

I forgive you – said the little lion and added: -You were very brave and it made me see that you like me a lot.

The little lion started to get his things, but when he was about to go with the princess he asked if the Emerald Dragon could go with them. He was very nice and friendly and deserved to have friends and be happy.  Her friend agreed and the three returned happily back to the kingdom.

emerald dragon

When the kings saw the Dragon, they were very frightened. Fortunately, the princess told what happened and her parents agreed to allow the dragon entry. As he told her everything, she felt much better, as if she had taken a large stone from her back. Thus, the young princess realized that everything would have been much easier if she had told her parents the truth.

Finally, the Dragon became friends with all the people and animals he met and all learned valuable lessons. The first is that you have to be brave to face problems ; the second, that one cannot judge others only from the outside ; the third, that anger only brings problems, and the fourth, that when we express problems, we feel better.

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