Activity For Hyperactive Children

Getting the activity right for hyperactive children can help a lot with behavior. Hyperactive people at home are restless all the time and at school they end up with the tranquility of the class. There seems to be no activity or no one in the world that can keep them calm and entertained for a few minutes.

Children who have hyperactivity often change the balance of a group of children and even bother those who want to read, draw or play in peace in their moment. For the educators they are a real headache, the neighborhood can be a reason for complaints, and non-leisure visits to any place become difficult moments, in an attempt to control their behavior.

In order to help you keep your child under control, we took charge of writing this article offering you some activities for hyperactive children that can be proposed at home.

Assembling puzzles is a great activity for hyperactive children

Assembling puzzles is a great activity for hyperactive children

Puzzles “break” a child’s hyperactivity. As long as what she needs to put together is interesting in some way, then she’ll want to spend a few minutes on that task.

So, one of the characteristics of a hyperactive child is that her focus of attention can change quite quickly and suddenly, right after assembling the first pieces of the figure, the child loses the curiosity to continue until the end.

Playing ball in the street or taking dips in the pool filled with water may be more fun for her.

That is why, dear Mom, if you have a hyperactive child and you decide to propose that he assemble a puzzle, you should not fully rely on the magic that the activity generates, leaving him alone.

Take the time to hang out with him to comment on how cool the image he’s forming is, its colors, how they’re going to frame it later and hang it in their room, or whether they’re going to give it to Dad as a birthday present.

In short: even though it’s an activity that can be very relaxing for everyone, remember that your child needs a lot of encouragement to stay alert and interested.

In addition to landscapes, animal figures or any other image, geometric figure puzzles are usually very good for these children.

Drawing molds an activity for hyperactive children that soothes

Drawing patterns, decorated borders, series, or whatever, can calm your child a bit.

Draw decorated borders or other moldings around your room, let’s assume, at the bottom of the walls, almost touching the floor. To do this, make molds and mark them all over the place.

When your child comes home from school, ask him to help you with this task. For example, ask him to take the brush and paint it black, and draw with you.

This will take up part of his afternoon and may also be a few days.

Perform physical exercise and a fun activity for hyperactive children

fun activity for hyperactive kids

Physical exercise can help you burn off those extra energy he has. Also take a workout and invite him to play baseball, basketball or football in the backyard.

Collaborating at home can be an activity option for hyperactive children

Housework takes up precious time in the lives of hyperactive children.

Those who devote a few hours to helping set and clear the table, or helping to fix the fence, feel satisfied and useful.

Encourage your child’s personal satisfaction, show him that it’s worth it, educate him, make him feel proud of himself by making him perform tasks, responsibilities he must fulfill at home for his well-being and from those around him.

Advice for Mothers of Hyperactive Children

Mom, you need to be patient with a hyperactive child. Your child needs more exercise than any other child to be able to use up the energy he has.

Do not call him or explain things to him by shouting. Talk to him quietly and calmly.

For nothing in the world, be violent: neither verbally nor physically with him.

Do not criticize him or compare him to his classmates.

Give it all your love and, above all, in times of greater hyperactivity.

Explain to him why it is wrong for him to act this way or that and the consequences his behavior brings.

Don’t blame the hyperactivity on him. Children are curious, adventurous, explorers par excellence. When you think that it’s his hyperactivity that’s causing him, stop to think for a moment if it’s not about the behavior that, at this age, any other child can have.

Spend your time with him. Don’t leave your child’s upbringing at the mercy of others. He is your child, you are the person who will educate him best.

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