Allow Your Child To Get Bored my

“Mommy, I’m bored”, the worst horror movie of the mother’s daily life. Experts have commented on this non-cinematic play that all mothers watch every day.
allow your child to get bored

Expert advice can catch the attention of those mothers who prefer to overstimulate the little ones. Allow your child to get bored.

Yes, that’s what you read: let your child be bored, quietly, without guilt. Because when you resort to various electronic devices, you are simply stealing your child’s opportunity to grow. Thus, the child cannot develop psychologically as it should.

Every time you appeal to the tablet or television, part of your child’s imagination and creativity dies a little more each day. However, why is it so important to allow your child to be bored? Find out in this amazing I’m Mommy article .

Reasons to let your child get bored

Forget all those techniques you found useful for entertaining, educating, and stimulating. Put away your cell phone and tablet and turn off the television. According to experts on the subject, it is convenient that children do not depend on or abuse the technological devices that their parents – with the best of intentions – offer.

The reason? You should allow your child to get bored in order to let his mind be silent for at least a few seconds. That way, the little one will have time to observe the world and learn about it. Only in this way will it be possible for him to imagine, think, feel and believe for himself.

get bored

Furthermore, overstimulation through the screens has a counterproductive effect. This practice reduces children’s sensitivity to natural stimuli from the surrounding environment. Thus, abilities such as concentration, creativity and imagination are gradually deteriorated.

There are several specialist early childhood psychologists who agree on this point. It is advisable to offer the little one a break from scheduled activities. If you leave little ones with some free time, they can develop better problem-solving skills.

At the same time, another big advantage of allowing your child to get bored is awakening motivational skills. Clearly, they are vitally important to children’s future lives. So, it’s not bad that the child feels bored, you just need to know how to take advantage of it.

Don’t be afraid when your child gets bored

Don’t be afraid when your child gets bored. It is not essential to appeal to the “electronic pacifier”. When the child has nothing to do, he brings into play a great and inestimable wealth: imagination. This, when properly fed, becomes the creativity that, in adulthood, is capable of opening many doors.

get bored

Create games and horror stories and investigate with the immense curiosity they have: this is the result of “times with nothing to do”. By staying connected all day, children forget what is introspective. In this case, several dreams end up falling apart without touching an ounce of reality.

Likewise, these technological gimmicks, which we parents use, weaken our bonds. Well, there is no longer any union at the table during meals and the children have become unaccustomed to looking other people in the eye. Personal contact with real people – flesh and blood – is at risk of extinction.

Simply, it’s about letting the child play and creating whatever comes to their minds. If the child does not like the idea, offer other alternatives, as their parents did. Or, by any chance, don’t you remember those endless car trips trying to guess the shapes of the clouds?

So, like Mom, there’s nothing better than letting your child get bored. Obviously, this should only happen once in a while. You will not be a bad mother because of it, nor will you harm the little ones. On the contrary. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than sharing quality time with the little ones in the house.

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