At What Age Should Children Have A Cell Phone?

Technology is present in our daily lives. Computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices are available for teenagers and even children. The question is: when is a child considered mature enough to have a cell phone?
How old should children have a cell phone?

In an increasingly fast-paced world, where new generations are increasingly precocious, one of the big questions that parents ask themselves is: at what age should children have a cell phone?

Although the answer most often depends on the situation of each family and specific circumstances, experts recommend that this step be taken only with children over 12 years.

Experts answer: at what age should children have a cell phone?

Technology is a fundamental part of life for all people and all ages, increasingly younger children. And the truth is that, in addition to dependence or even necessity , technology is present in almost every area of ​​life.

But when can a child be considered mature enough to make good use of this device?

In this sense, it is believed that children should not have access to this technology before they are 12 years old. While this age is the minimum recommended by experts for cell phone use, they also recommend that certain apps like WhatsApp or various social networks should not be used before 15 or 16 years.

In other words, a 12-year-old can use their cell phone to play games and watch multimedia content. However, it is not recommended to allow access to social networks.

"How old should children have a cell phone?"  is blocked How old should children have a cell phone?

In fact, ideally, children would not have a cell phone until they reach 15 years of age. In fact, in countries like France, for example, some laws have been passed that prohibit children under 15 from using cell phones in schools.

Among them, there is a law that even prohibits the use of this type of device during school breaks. Undoubtedly, it is a measure that seeks to preserve the safety of children and adolescents, in addition to encouraging traditional outdoor activities.

Dangers associated with using cell phones from an early age

Experts warn of the dangers associated with using cell phones. For this reason, it is important that young children do not have access to this type of technology.

It’s true that many parents buy a cell phone for their children to find them quickly. But it is also necessary to remember that it is not necessary for the cell phone to have access to the internet.

The dangers can be:

1. Access to inappropriate content

The internet is a window to knowledge, but also to so many other dangers. For example, pornography is one of the main risks for children, especially since its access is very easy and simple.

2. Bullying

School bullying can reach the comfort of home or any corner of the world through technology. In fact,  cyberbullying or cyber bullying is one of the greatest dangers that children face today.

3. Addiction

As with video games, the indiscriminate use of cell phones can lead to addiction. The main reasons are social networks, the possibility of accessing inappropriate or prohibited games and content.

Tips to protect children from cell phone misuse

at what age should children have a cell phone?

appropriate age

As experts explain, the age at which children should have a cell phone is approximately 15 years old. However, in more extreme cases, it should not be less than 12 years of age.

Constant and fluid communication

Constant and fluid communication with children is essential. In this sense, parents must be aware of changes in their behavior.

Likewise, it is necessary to regulate and control both the indiscriminate use of cell phones and other technologies that can cause addiction.

It is essential that parents exercise their authority and make clear the rules regarding their children’s leisure time. The same applies in the case of using other new technologies such as computers or tablets.

control tools

Although the technology cannot be completely controlled, there are several tools that facilitate supervision and allow parents to block certain pages with inappropriate content for the child’s age.

Anyway, at what age should children have a cell phone? Although the answer to this question may vary according to each family dynamic, it is also true that it is necessary and recommended that the child has a minimum maturity to acquire this responsibility.

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