How Can I Stop My Teenager From Consuming Alcohol?

Interest in alcoholic beverages can be caused by a number of different reasons; some teenagers feel that drinking makes them more sociable, uninhibited and gives them energy. However, this is a problem that parents must face with great tact and intelligence.
What can I do to prevent my teenager from consuming alcohol?

The  drinking binge  (fast and intensive consumption of alcohol), advertising and bars with free consummation promote and encourage the intake of alcohol. Today, young people are able to drink four to five alcoholic drinks in just a few hours.  In fact, some get drunk two to four times a month and their parents ask themselves: “how can I prevent my teenager from consuming alcohol?”.

Faced with the risks of these heavy drinking and other bad habits, parents feel bewildered by such a situation. The first recommendation is to stay calm. 

The topic should be discussed between parents and children and, in the last case, with the help of specialists. Of course, never during the drink effect; if the teenager arrives drunk, we must ensure their well-being and safety and wait for the effect to wear off.  Then, without reprimands or threats of punishment; we must dialogue.

My teenage son consumes alcohol!

Faced with such a problem,  experts suggest visualizing the possible actions in the different stages of drinking the drink;  that is, before, during and after.

As prevention,  parents must provide  relevant information to minors about the negative effects of alcohol on their body. They can also establish norms and rules about their consumption.

In these cases, communication and tolerance are essential.  Parents should know if their children drink sporadically or if, on the contrary, they have made it a habit.

What do they consume, in what quantities, where and with whom do they consume it?  All this information is very valuable and only young people can provide it. Constant dialogue fosters an environment of trust, respect and understanding.

young alcohol

Thus, after knowing the consumption pattern, parents will be able to and have the obligation to act. To help their children build their life project, they must get to know them well and know how to identify their friendships.

It is extremely  important to  be aware of the activities performed by our children and also the environments they frequent.  In this sense, communication with other parents under the same conditions are valuable tools.

Pay close attention to warning signs

Regardless of the cause of binge drinking, whether due to inexperience or addiction to the effects of alcohol, we must be very attentive to warning signs.  If the young person reduces his concentration and reflexes, abandon the activities he liked, spend more money than usual and increase the number of outings, there may be problems. It is necessary to be alert and know how to prevent.

Perhaps the teenager’s friends have gained respect for consuming the drink and he intends to achieve the same. Or, who knows, he’s trying to copy the behavior of characters or even family members he admires; the approximation with alcohol can occur for different reasons.

Some teenagers feel that drinking makes them more sociable, uninhibited, and powerful;  others find in it an escape route from emotional or even personal inconvenience. Even if they are not always with a bottle of drink in their hands, they will have symptoms of lack of interest and bad mood.

We must not cover our eyes. Parents must recognize and accept when their children have a drinking addiction; only then will they be able to help them. Alcohol and its symptoms are very easy to detect.

I want my teenager not to consume alcohol. What to do?

Acting with excessive rigor will not make your child stop drinking alcohol.  On the contrary, it can create a state of isolation and lack of communication. The youth will simply refuse to talk about their parties and outings and will look for ways to drink in secret.

Threats and punishments definitely don’t work.  More is achieved through mutual respect, positive reinforcement and information, as well as the good example of parents.

We should make it clear to teenagers the harmful effect of alcohol and other drugs on our bodies, especially on their central nervous system. The fun of a few hours can end your life or your body’s proper functioning in minutes. Furthermore,  contrary to what many people think, drinking does not solve problems: it only postpones them.

young people together drinking

Risk factors that must be observed

Parents with teenage children must be aware of certain risk factors. Among them, the lack of information about alcohol and its consequences, the high and habitual consumption at home, the absence of norms in the family environment and the lack of respect among family members.

When we have a situation under the influence of alcohol, impulsive traits, frustrations, low self-esteem  and the complete absence of critical thinking appear  All are aspects that parents should not overlook. Just being worried is not at all the solution. We must take action after asking ourselves the terrible question: “What can I do to keep my teenager from consuming alcohol?”

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