How Can The Swiss Ball Be Used During Pregnancy?

The Swiss ball became the choice for many women in the months before their baby was born. Why is it so good during pregnancy? We’re going to give you some details about it here.
How can the Swiss ball be used during pregnancy?

Swiss ball exercises during pregnancy have great advantages for the expectant mother. They contribute to your well-being in different ways; In addition to working on her physique, there is a space for dialogue and containment in which the woman works on her tranquility in the face of childbirth.

When we think of a group of pregnant women exercising, our first mental image is likely to be Swiss balls or Pilates balls. And this is no coincidence.

Its proven benefits for this stage have made it the choice of choice for many women in the months prior to delivery.

Likewise, these exercises are also recommended for the postpartum and the rest of life. Why is she so good? Let’s count next.

Benefits of Using the Swiss Ball During Pregnancy

Strengthens multiple muscle groups

Swiss ball exercises during pregnancy help develop the pelvic floor, which is essential for women before giving birth. These muscles must withstand many demands at the time of the baby’s birth.

Likewise, they are also ideal for exercising your back muscles. These are responsible for supporting the extra weight that the belly represents. Therefore, they help considerably to prevent pain that is very common during pregnancy.

Dialogue with other pregnant women

Ball gym classes often serve as a space for relief and understanding. Women who are approaching childbirth meet, share their symptoms, experiences, fears and illusions in front of this great moment.  In fact, socializing with other pregnant women can help you lose your fear of childbirth.

Improves flexibility

A woman’s body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Many of these changes lead to a decrease in mobility; fortunately, this can be reduced thanks to working with the Swiss ball. These exercises also contribute to a more effective recovery after giving birth.

Eliminate stress

Eliminates stress

Many Swiss ball exercises during pregnancy consist of mastering breathing techniques. This, in  addition to being very useful when contractions prior to childbirth begin, it also contributes to reducing stress and anxiety; these two symptoms are characteristic of this stage, full of hormonal changes.

Swiss Ball Exercises During Pregnancy

Swiss ball abs:  these are recommended for early pregnancy. It consists of leaning on the ball, supporting your lower back and doing slow sit-ups with your feet on the floor and your knees at a 90° angle.

Pelvis rotation: to do this, it is necessary to sit on the ball looking straight ahead. Then, there is a rotation of approximately 45° —or more, depending on the pregnant woman’s physical condition— to one side. Afterwards, return to the center and repeat the exercise for the other side.

A variation of this exercise is with your arms straight ahead at chest height. To make it easier to do, you can hold a towel in your hands and keep it stretched out.

Abdomen Exercise:  This exercise requires the woman to sit on the ball, with her legs at a 90° angle. You should take your abdomen forward and backward, making a movement with your buttocks, so that your chest and belly come closer and apart, successively.

Complete rotation:  This exercise consists of performing a complete rotation of the waist seated on the ball. To do this, the legs must be at 90° and must support the body while making the hip movements. These must be done gently and carefully.

Light jumping on the ball:  this type of exercise is usually done in the last months of pregnancy, when the belly makes other exercises impossible. They are very effective in combating urinary incontinence.

They are very easy, it is just a matter of sitting on the ball and taking light bounces on it. The arms must remain relaxed and breathing must be controlled.

Abdomen exercise


To conclude, it  is necessary to point out that there are certain precautions to be taken before starting the exercises with the Swiss ball during pregnancy.

First of all, you must always have a company. Never train alone, try to have someone accompanying you to correct poor postures  and, fundamentally, who is available in case of problems.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to have your doctor’s approval to do these exercises; rather, a professional should guide your progress through each of them.

Of course, it’s not wise to exercise if there’s bleeding or if you don’t feel like it. In these cases, just rest until you get better.

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