How To Treat Children’s Blisters?

Blisters are caused by an accumulation of fluid that forms between the dermis and epidermis for different reasons. There are many remedies and effective ways to treat them quickly.
How to treat children's blisters?

Often, on the skin of the little ones, blister-shaped lesions appear, which are usually very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Fortunately, in most cases they are not a cause for major concern. By following a simple action plan to treat children’s blisters, we will certainly be able to solve this problem.

What are bubbles and why do they form?

A blister is a water bubble that appears on the skin as a result of friction, allergies, or  burns. Most of the time they are not dangerous. They are usually small, with clean, clear fluids. This lesion manifests in the upper layer of the skin and heals on its own if not manipulated.

Sometimes  these uncomfortable blisters appear when there is friction on the skin, until it breaks. For example, when the child is wearing a shoe that is too tight.

They can also arise if there is a severe burn  caused by a very hot liquid, a chemical, or exposure to the sun for several hours. Other causes include frostbite, eczema, allergic reactions and viral infections such as chicken pox.

How to treat children’s blisters?

First,  we must prevent the blister from becoming infected at any cost. To do this, we must act quickly and effectively.

There are conflicting opinions on how to alleviate this problem. There are those who say that it is more advisable to remove the liquid in order to alleviate the surface and avoid further problems. However, others argue just the opposite.

To deal with the blisters,  we can extract the excess skin with blunt scissors, disinfected with alcohol. This will not be painful for the little one. The lesion must be washed carefully with saline solution, which will clean deeply and help the skin to regenerate properly.

If, on the contrary, you do not want to remove the skin from the blister, it is also possible to disinfect the surface very well using saline solution. In both cases, it  is advisable to cover the blister with gauze or an adhesive bandage to avoid friction.

treat children's bubbles

If an infection develops, which is evident when we observe red veins moving towards the affected area, the best thing to do is to apply an antibiotic ointment. If the lesion doesn’t show improvement in a day or two, we should see a doctor.

To finish treating children’s blisters,  parents need to be very attentive to their evolution. They usually heal on their own after a few days. The skin breaks, dries and falls off so that new one can emerge. This is the correct trajectory that completes this pathology.

Home Remedies to Treat Blisters

Grandmothers’ advice is often the most appropriate and effective way to treat children’s blisters. Through easy recipes,  we can find endless possibilities to alleviate those uncomfortable blisters. Some of them are:

salt water

Just pour some warm salt water over the affected area. This helps to clean the wound and keep it free from possible infections. In addition, it also stimulates circulation and accelerates the skin’s renewal process.


Wild garlic has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries as it  has antibacterial properties and is an effective cell activator. To apply it in a blister, it is necessary to rub a clove of peeled garlic into the area to be treated.

aloe vera

Aloe is one of the most effective natural remedies recommended for its healing properties. It penetrates the skin easily and its moisturizing content accelerates healing and reduces blister inflammation.

To take advantage of its benefits, we must cut the plant leaf crosswise, allow the iodine to drain and then apply the clear aqueous gel over the lesion.

Apple vinegar

This product is used as an antibiotic and healing, as it cleans wounds and eliminates bacteria effectively. Due to the antiseptic power of acetic acid, it helps to prevent infections in blisters, for example. However, before applying it to the lesion, it is necessary to dilute it in water to avoid irritation.

treat children's bubbles


It can be useful if the bubble has burst. With this common ingredient in our kitchens, we can make a very effective ointment.

For this,  we must have a tablespoon of corn flour and a tablespoon of honey on hand. Both ingredients must be mixed until they form a paste that must be applied to the affected area.

Regardless of the usefulness of these solutions, prevention is always better than cure. That’s why we  must determine the factor that caused the bubble as quickly as possible to prevent it from happening again.

Finally,  remember that these homemade alternatives will help you treat children’s blisters easily if you don’t have a first-aid kit equipped to treat this injury.

But, if you notice that there is no significant improvement in the short term, it may be that you are facing something more complex and, therefore, it will be essential to consult a doctor. Never self-medicate your children.

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