Hypertension In Women – I’m A Mom

High blood pressure is a condition that, in turn, causes several cardiovascular diseases.
Hypertension in women

Until recently, hypertension was more frequent in men, but cases in women have increased considerably in recent years.

It is worth noting that the numbers are significant: around one billion people suffer from high blood pressure worldwide.

A very common silent pathology

This disease was once considered the “silent killer”. It got its name because it usually has no symptoms.

If not treated properly, it increases the chances of suffering damage to organs such as the heart, kidneys, brain and eyes.

The risk of suffering from high blood pressure in women increases with age. Around 40% of people over 65 years of age have high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is the force with which the heart pushes blood against the walls of the arteries. When it is high, it means the heart works harder to pump blood, which causes damage to the artery walls. Pressure is measured by two numbers :

  1. The normal mean is always considered 120/80 mmHg. The first number indicates the systolic pressure that is when the heart beats.
  2. The second is the diastolic, when the heart fills with blood. When a constant pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg is maintained, it is considered to be hypertension.

Hypertension in women

Most common causes

In women of childbearing age, one of the causes of hypertension is the birth control pill . When this happens, the woman must choose other methods to prevent pregnancy. Once you stop taking the pill, your blood pressure levels return to normal.

During the menopause period, blood pressure in women increases. This is due to the hormonal changes and the decrease in estrogen that take place at this stage. As you get older, hypertension is more frequent in women than in men of the same age group.

One of the most serious forms of high blood pressure in women is during pregnancy. High blood pressure during this period can have serious consequences such as seizures (eclampsia) and problems in the baby’s development.

Obesity, sedentary lifestyle and stress are also among the causes of high blood pressure in women. Another factor that increases the risk of high blood pressure in women is the presence of polycystic ovaries.

Why pay attention to high blood pressure in women?

Until recently it seemed that cardiovascular disease was exclusively a thing for men. But reality demonstrates otherwise. Cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of death in women.

One in 200 women dies from breast cancer, but one in three dies from cardiovascular problems. Hence the importance of keeping an eye on blood pressure.

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. However, you need to be on the lookout for any signs that might indicate your presence. Measuring pressure as a periodic practice will be the best way to notice any change.

Hypertension in women

Prevention and treatment

The consultation with the cardiologist should be as important for women as a consultation with your gynecologist. Women with hypertension have more cerebral hemorrhage than men and with more serious consequences.

Women, like men, should pay attention to blood pressure. It is important to check the family history; if there is hypertension in the family, it is necessary to prevent it. Paying attention to cholesterol is also important to prevent high blood pressure in women.

The treatment of hypertension involves the administration of specialized medication and in very controlled doses. Along with this, a change in diet and the implementation of exercise routines is important.

Keeping the pressure at normal levels will help to greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.

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