I Can Cry Hidden, But I Always Have A Smile For My Son

When was the last time you cried in hiding? You might not do it all the time, you might have done it today.
I can cry hidden, but I always have a smile for my son

Far from seeing this fact as a sign of weakness or self-doubt, you should see it for what it really is. Crying in hiding is a necessary moment of personal relief.

Crying is not bad. In fact, during pregnancy, the puerperium and the first 3 years of our children’s lives, crying is normal in many cases.

In general, this action is not related to any clinical problem. Crying now and then to emerge tension-free again is a little cathartic and even restorative.

On the other hand, the task of creation is a test of endurance that no one prepared us for in life.

Throughout our lives, we take on many personal and professional responsibilities. However, with the arrival of the first baby, we suddenly experienced some fears that we hadn’t thought about before.

With a child, each day is a different challenge. You have to assume the fact that books don’t explain everything.

Our mothers, friends, or sisters can help with their personal experiences. But each child is unique and each family, each person, lives a different reality.

To the questions related to creation, there must be added, without a doubt, the economic aspect, the work, the home, the maintenance of happiness with your partner, etc.

Without forgetting, of course, our self-esteem and our personal growth. It’s like living in a jigsaw puzzle in which all the pieces must fit perfectly, in which everything must be perfect.

And something like that is a big focus of stress and anxiety.

Reasons why we cry hidden

“Because of hormones!” many people will say. “This hidden need to cry and these sudden drops in mood are the effect of the hormonal changes so common in all mothers.”

cry hidden

Well, it’s possible that at some point it will make a difference. There is no doubt. However, we women are not “legged hormones”.

Hormones do not determine everything we are and feel. In fact, fathers and women who have not given birth but who are mothers sometimes feel this emotional chaos too.

Now let’s look at some of the reasons we might end up feeling this way.

the accumulated tiredness

If tears are any good, it’s to warn us. That is, to ease emotions and allow us to think clearly.

  • Sometimes, little sleep, being responsible for everything our child does or doesn’t do, puts us in a very stressful state of alert.
  • When we are in these situations it is necessary to delegate functions for a while so we can rest.

    You won’t be a bad mother for taking a nap or taking a relaxing bath while your partner or someone in the family takes care of your child.

    I don’t know why my baby is crying

    We may believe it or not, but a baby’s cry puts us on alert and instantly sharpens our maternal instinct.

    Furthermore, it leaves us in great emotional chaos when we don’t know why the baby is crying or what he needs.

    cry hidden

    • These questions are very common for first-time mothers. In turn, they can represent a focus of stress that at some point can end up in another “crying” on the sly. Our.
    • Do not hesitate to consult a pediatrician to answer any questions you may have . Babies cry for very basic reasons: hunger, fear, need for care and comfort, because they need their diaper changed, etc.

    I think I’m ugly

    Motherhood changes our bodies. We gain weight and it’s not easy to go back to the measurements we used to have. The fluid retention, the protruding abdomen, our breasts, the stretch marks, the varicose veins, our face with such healthy cheeks.

    We can’t help but think we’re unattractive in front of the mirror. At the same time, we tell ourselves that it’s okay. That we are mothers and this is the best thing that ever happened to us.

    However, there are times when discouragement hits hard. Because we barely have time to prepare a good meal, to go out and practice some sport…

    cry hidden

    There are too many things to do and I don’t have time for anything else!

    You have a baby, you are thinking about going back to work or have already returned, you are trying to keep your house in order, there are loads of things to do and worries to resolve.

    • You don’t have time for anything else! In those moments when you reach the limit, only one thing works as a relief: hidden crying. Just for a few minutes, for a brief moment to find calm.

    If you’re going through this situation, try changing your pace slowly and concentrating. Enjoy the here and now with your child, practice yoga, swimming, mindfulness…

    After all, I will always have a smile for my children.

    We already said at the beginning that crying in hiding does not mean any weakness.

    Strong is that person who allows himself to have moments of complicity with his own soul to relieve tension, clear his mind and be able to see things differently.

    cry hidden

    • Strong is the mother and father who put aside their fears, worries and nervousness to give their children their best. Because relieving stress with tears is healthy. Because those who allow themselves to cry understand that feelings and emotions must be expressed.
    • Things like that help us to be much more skillful with our kids, more empathetic, closer, and wiser.

    No doubt it. If you need to, cry. After that, the sun will shine more brightly.

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