Nobody Said How Difficult Weaning Is: Know Everything

Nobody said how difficult weaning is: know everything

Weaning the baby is a delicate process that must be done gradually, with patience and love. It is important to understand that this does not mean that it is the end of the loving and intimate bond that has been created, but the beginning of a new way of feeding and connecting between mother and child.

When we breastfeed our baby, we are not only nourished, but also hydrating and strengthening his immune system that protects him from various diseases. 

The physical contact we have with our baby while nursing him strengthens the bonds of love between us.

My world is round, round and smooth like your world.

I give it to you to dream, fight, to believe.

The house is small, the clothes are humble, but in my warm milk I give you the world.  

 Milky Way

What is weaning?

The transition from breast milk to other types of food is what is colloquially known as “weaning”. Weaning not only consists of replacing breast milk with other foods in the baby’s diet, but it is also an emotionally difficult process, so we must be very well prepared.

The beginning of weaning can be caused by several reasons: the mother has decided, or because the baby has lost interest, or the production of breast milk is not enough, or even because of the suspension in a natural way. In either case, it can be a somewhat difficult process for both the baby and the mother.

When and how to start weaning?

There is no set period for weaning, however  some experts recommend doing it progressively before the baby reaches its first year of age. 

A highly recommended method is to reduce the time the baby is breastfed and to incorporate other types of food at the same time. Some mothers have had good results in the weaning process by adding food during the day and breast milk only at night.

It is very important to ask the pediatrician for help so that he can help us in the transition process, with the objective of progressively introducing different types of foods that guarantee a completely balanced diet for our baby.

Advantages of weaning

Weaning, despite being a complex process for the mother and baby, produces a series of emotional and nutritional benefits.

As soon as our baby begins to have other forms of feeding, we feel confident to leave him in the care of others. This is important if you need to get back to work, a break, or some other activity.

During the weaning period, the baby receives many valuable nutrients from the new foods being incorporated. Thus, they receive protection from the diseases of breastfeeding.

Advice for weaning


There are several ways to start weaning in a respectful and conscious way so that the child and the mother can get through the moment in a less traumatic way.

  • The process must be flexible and must never be carried out abruptly (overnight). Ideally, it should be done for two or three months.
  • If the mother does not wean gradually, it is very likely that she will suffer undesirable effects on the breasts, such as hardening and pain.
  • It is recommended that weaning is not carried out in times of stress, such as returning to work or the beginning of the trip to the baby’s nursery.
  • Before breastfeeding the baby, the mother can anticipate and offer another type of food so that he can get used to other forms of feeding.
  • The baby needs patience and affection when weaning begins. Therefore, it is recommended that we be very loving while offering other foods.

The bond between mother and child will never be lost even when you no longer have your child in your lap giving generously to your breast. Each mother-baby pair is unique, only they will know when and how to do this process and this is another of nature’s wonderful secrets.

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