“Play” With Many Benefits: Children’s Yoga

“Play” with many benefits: children's yoga

No doubt yoga is something we wouldn’t think would be recommended for children. For it is hard to believe that it is possible to achieve a radical change in the well-known childhood impatience. However, this is a practice that, due to its benefits, should be carried out with children. Children’s yoga exists and, even if it doesn’t seem like it, it can be used in many ways.

Children value everything that can be understood as play. Although yoga is not really a game, it is possible that, by treating it as such, it will become a suitable entertainment element for the little ones. The purpose of this practice is to contribute to the psychophysical well-being of children, in a fun and pressure-free way.

children’s yoga class

The main thing is to be able to awaken the child’s motivation. As for the children’s yoga class, it is designed to encourage a state of tranquility and relaxation. To make the child associate this practice with a game, it is interesting to treat it as such. Therefore, it is necessary to create a space suitable for children.

The environment must contribute to silence, cleanliness and adequate ventilation. But rugs can be suitable for children, as can clothes. To avoid possible distractions or children’s characteristic inattention, it is preferable that the class does not have more than ten students and that the practice takes place in the morning.

children's yoga

Even though yoga can be practiced at any time of day, the morning hours are the most suitable, especially for children. Especially because it is preferable that the little ones have not ingested solid food for at least two hours before the practice.

As for the objectives of the class, it is not necessary to reveal to the children that each external posture is related to the internal organs or to highlight aspects of relaxation and balance that they may not understand. It is recommended to guide the practice as if it were a game, using simple and clear words.

In order to keep children motivated, it is not recommended to force them or make them repeat complicated postures. Furthermore, it is essential that they never feel bored. The practice should be as fun and varied as possible, with enthusiasm, joy and disposition.

Benefits of children’s yoga for your child

Among the main benefits that the practice of yoga offers is the fact that it promotes relaxation and harmonizes breathing. These benefits are very convenient for adults, who try to earn them with determination. They also benefit children. But for them, these benefits specifically are not as important as for adults.

Thus, in the case of children, the benefits are numerous, and to them is added the reward for parents of getting their children to focus and improve many of the skills they already have. Likewise, one of the virtues of this practice is related to the mental well-being it produces, in every way.

children's yoga

In addition to exercising their breathing, children will be stimulated with elements of relaxation and body exercises that bring great benefits. The help of this “play” also includes the following benefits:

  • Contributes to stress reduction
  • Favors the proper development of muscles and agility
  • Improves daily breathing
  • Provides a necessary massage to the internal organs
  • Offers moments of relaxation and tranquility
  • Provides proper channeling of energy
  • improves circulation
  • Promotes useful elements for concentration, memory and creativity
  • Increases positive attitude and self-esteem
  • Favors blood circulation
  • Provides flexibility to joints
  • Stimulates the proper development of the senses
  • Helps in social interaction, tolerance and understanding
  • Contributes to character formation and personality development
  • Harmonizes body and mind
  • Favors body posture, specifically the spine
  • Provides ways to develop stretch and agility

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