Pregnancy And Flu: Attention And Care Needed!

When a woman is pregnant, she is easy prey for viruses and disease. The flu is one of the most common, so it is advisable to know how to act in these cases.
Pregnancy and flu: attention and care needed!

There is a combination of factors that are very common and also very irritating to a woman: pregnancy and the flu. Although  in most cases this is resolved in a short period of time  and does not pose a health risk (both to the mother and the baby), if not treated properly it can lead to complications.

Faced with this pair, it is necessary to be well informed about how to proceed to carry out the treatment and clarify doubts with the doctor. In this way, we avoid resorting to inappropriate measures. To help you with that, here is a part of what you should consider.

Pregnancy and flu: basic considerations

First, the first step in avoiding infection during pregnancy is simply to  move away from people who have flu symptoms  (at any of its stages). However, this does not guarantee full protection as there are still chances of getting the virus in other ways.

While you can reduce the risk of an infection through healthy lifestyle habits and common prevention methods, nothing can provide permanent protection. The best thing will be to take care of yourself as best you can, day by day. 

Good habits and flu shot

When a woman is pregnant, she can be much more vulnerable to infections. Therefore, you should incorporate some additional measures into your care routine. One of them is the influenza vaccine, which,  despite not preventing infection, helps reduce the chances of this happening and reduces the intensity of symptoms. 

When vaccinated, pregnant women get sick less often and avoid having a serious condition that endangers their life or that of the baby. There are two types of flu shots: one that is injected and one that is given as an aerosol nasal spray.

The injectable vaccine is the most recommended for pregnant women. It contains the inactive virus, which is why a woman is unlikely to get the flu. The nasal spray, however, does not have the necessary medical approval for use during pregnancy.

There are some side effects of influenza vaccines, such as: headache and muscle pain, fever, nausea, vomiting and a slight redness at the injection site. These effects do not last longer than two days, and if they last longer, the doctor should be consulted immediately.

Complications of Pregnancy and Flu Combination

The first trimester of pregnancy is when a woman should protect herself the most from the flu. If the pregnant woman suffers from other complications, such as obesity, diabetes or asthma, the risk of complicating the pregnancy with the flu is greater.

A poorly cured flu can have many consequences, such as lung disease. Fortunately, the flu virus  does not cross the placental barrier. This means, therefore, that the fetus will not be infected.

If you assume you have the flu, it is recommended that you start taking the relevant measures within 48 hours and then for 5 days to kill the virus.

woman blows her nose

How to avoid the flu during pregnancy?

Influenza is a disease of the respiratory system caused by the influenza virus. The immune system is more exposed in pregnancy, so the chances of getting disease increase. This virus can be passed from one person to another with just a few drops of saliva when coughing and also in contact with contaminated hands or objects.

It is likely that most mothers experience one or two flu during pregnancy. However, consider some measures to avoid this:

  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Wash your hands regularly, before and after doing some activities: going to the bathroom, cooking, eating, touching objects in the street, and so on.
  • Do not touch tissues or cloths used by someone with the flu.
  • Do not eat any type of food or drink with a kitchen utensil that is not properly sanitized.

When a case of pregnancy and flu is confirmed, it’s best to rest and stay hydrated.

Symptoms that should put her on the alert for pregnancy and flu

If you notice any of the following symptoms when you have the flu during pregnancy, see your doctor as soon as possible:


This is a common pathology. The important thing is to replace liquids with hot broths, vegetable purees or juices with vitamin C.


A pregnant woman should take care of her diet despite the flu, as the correct development of the fetus will depend on it. It is common to have a loss of appetite. In this case, a conscientious mother must know that, even if she is not hungry, she must eat well and at the right times for the sake of her baby.


Medical treatment is essential to control it. Fever must be closely monitored and must not exceed 38.5°C.

worried pregnant

Breathing problems

To avoid nasal mucus and sinusitis, it is recommended to carry out nasal washes with sea water. One of the most latent dangers of getting the flu is the complication of the condition when the mother’s defenses are down.

That’s why  drinking juices rich in vitamin C is important when the flu strikes. This condition is very similar to a cold. The difference lies in the high fever and severe pain throughout the body.

Taking care of herself so that the situation doesn’t get worse should be a priority. The combination of pregnancy and flu brings discomfort and complications that no woman wants to experience.

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