Reading Feeds Children’s Imaginations And Dreams

Imagination is an extremely developed quality that a child has had since childhood. But, unfortunately, over the years, sometimes it gets lost
Reading feeds children's imagination and dreams

Feeding your child’s imagination and dreams is a constant, everyday task. Doing this is very positive because, among other things, imagination stimulates your baby’s intellectual and emotional progress.

Just remember how we adults used our imaginations when we were little to realize that this scientific premise is true. As children, we built a house out of wooden boxes and we believed it was a palace.

We could look at the planes and, at the same time, feel that we were up there, flying in the plane. If the grass in the garden was tall, we would enter the middle of it and feel that we were in an amazing jungle, full of animals…

All this happened in our imagination thanks to reading. So, don’t forget: reading stimulates children’s creativity as much as possible.

Reading is vital to letting your imagination soar

For those who understand the subject, there is a relationship between short stories, education and imaginative thinking.  The power of stories on children’s imaginations and dreams is very strong.

At that age, a child thinks anything is possible. This is because there are few limits in her mind. However, many children, as they get a little older, begin to limit their imagination.

the imagination

This fact can be offset by a childhood full of reading, in which the imagination is positively fed. Thus, this child will not be like a regular adult who has to work hard to rebuild his imaginative faculties.

The importance of literature for a child’s imaginative development is as vital as play.  If you don’t believe it, look at a child’s response when asked why he liked a story his mother read to him so much. She replied immediately: because what I think forms drawings in my head.

Benefits of reading and dreams for children

  • It awakens the child’s emotions and teaches him to connect with themto identify them.  But, in addition, it is important that the child is able to express their emotions freely. For example, if after reading a story about spaceships, you see the child playing at being the pilot of one of those spaceships, the best thing to do is let him fly in your space and in your dream world.
  • This exercise in  letting your imagination fly will raise many questions.  The child will question everything he reads more and will never miss the opportunity to put into practice all this creativity that will be awakened little by little.
  • The child’s vocabulary increases positively and significantly. It can start with texts that use everyday words. As you practice reading, you can level up and start reading books with more cultured language. If possible, this phase should be supported with the help of a dictionary.
  • Writing will get easier.  The child who has the habit of reading correctly from an early age will find the act of writing much simpler. There are many cases of children who reach kindergarten at the age of 5 and 6 and already know how to read and even write.

Reading, in addition to imagination, stimulates and expands the  child’s general knowledge of culture. Surely, this makes your passage through basic education simpler.

the imagination

Feeding Your Imagination Helps You Feed Your Child’s Imagination

The life that any adult leads today can, to a great extent, cause the imagination to atrophy. As with any muscle you don’t use. To make the imagination work again, it is necessary to perform exercises, feeding the imagination by reading books, watching drawings, listening to music and training in writing. This kind of imaginative journey also feeds the soul.

Constant contact with nature is one of the greatest sources of inspiration for imagination and creativity. For example, contemplating the sea, admiring the flowers, watching the birds fly, observing the color tone of the sky at dusk, among other experiences, are the best form of contact that we can use to feed our dreams. When you do this with your children, you help them to express their emotions and begin to connect with themselves.

Do not waste time and start now to encourage the good habit of reading in your children .  It’s a fact: children love having their parents read to them. So, set aside time every day to offer this gift to your children.

Raising happy and healthy children is the task of parents e. The challenge of transforming their world into a world of dreams and imagination can be based on a book. Don’t ignore the tools life offers to give your kids a better life.

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