The Challenge Of Caring For Children And Working At Home

Sometimes when we try to work and take care of children at the same time, we feel that we are not doing any of the tasks correctly. Get organized and be understanding, so you’ll do it!
The challenge of caring for children and working from home

Due to the current situation we are facing, more and more parents are joining the challenge of caring for children and working from home. And I say challenge, because reconciling work performance with the care and supervision of children is not an easy task.

The interruptions can be constant, as the little ones always call us and need us. And yet, despite being literally by their side, we can’t be as available as we’d like. In the end, the day ends and we feel that we didn’t measure up either in the professional aspect or in our role as parents.

Before anxiety and guilt overtake us, we must try to breathe and look in perspective. We must establish the best conditions to be able to carry out our work and family tasks, but once that is done, we need to avoid punishing ourselves, judging ourselves or demanding more from us than we can do.

Tips for caring for children and working at home

Choose a suitable space

Since we are at home, we may be tempted to ease the formality of working hours and carry out our tasks anywhere. However, if we are to be productive, it is important to have a specific workplace.

This will help our mind to create a division between family routine and business hours. And when you enter this space, you will understand that it is time to focus on professional obligations.

Remote work: young executive working from home

You need to keep your work environment tidy, clean, light and well-ventilated. If possible, prefer a room with doors to avoid interruptions and distractions. Above all, ideally, this makeshift office is welcoming and helps you focus.

Set schedules for taking care of children and working from home

Having a routine is important for our well-being and our productivity. If there are no established times , we will end up running several tasks at the same time, which will be interrupted and interspersed. And that will only lead to us needing more time to reach our goals or, on the contrary, we will end up doing everything by half.

Therefore, establish in advance what times of the day will be dedicated to each activity and try to follow this schedule as faithfully as possible. This means trying to avoid family interruptions while you work, but it also means dedicating your time fully to them when the time is right. Establishing schedules will allow avoiding interference of some tasks in others, since all will have a stipulated time in their day.

get organized

However, setting and following schedules is not always easy since you are not in an office. On the contrary, you are in your own home and you need to take care of the children too. Therefore, organization is very important.

Quarantine Tips: Taking Care of Children and Working at Home

If you live with your partner or other adults in the house, try creating a joint schedule. Determine times so that each adult can work with peace of mind, knowing that the other is taking care of the little ones. Trying to work at the same time can make the task difficult, as a part of you will always be attentive to the children’s needs.

On the other hand, if you are the only adult in your household, you can take advantage of your children’s rest time to take care of your professional tasks. Wake up before the kids, work while they nap or when they’re already asleep at night.

And if that’s not possible or enough, try to involve the children in the work routine. That is, explain to them that certain hours must be dedicated to work and suggest, for example, that they do their homework while you work. They can also read or do some other quiet activity during these “working hours”.

be understanding

Above all, be understanding and tolerant of yourself. Please understand that we are going through an exceptional situation and that we are making the best adjustments possible. It’s not such a big problem if your kids spend a little more time watching television, if one day your job doesn’t pay as much or if you end up burning dinner.

We are facing many things at the same time and the only way to emerge victorious is to look in perspective and reduce self- demand. Do the best you can, but allow yourself time to enjoy your family and don’t let anxiety take over your days.

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