The Wonderful Teachings That The “Little Prince” Presents To Our Children

The book “The Little Prince” contains in each of its pages a wonderful legacy about human relationships, about love and life that is presented as a gift of wisdom offered to our children. This book is for many a treasure from childhood itself, which we now want to pass on to the younger ones.

We are certain that as mothers, as fathers and even as grandparents or teachers, we will have as one of our main purposes to make children interested as soon as possible in the pleasure of reading. However, there is something we must be clear about.  You don’t arrive at a book out of obligation, but out of freedom of choice, out of curiosity,  and sometimes on your own initiative.

For our part, we recommend something very simple: let your children see you reading. It doesn’t matter that your child is still a baby. Nothing is as comforting as letting them grow in your lap as they watch you turn the pages of a book. And if this book is the “Little Prince” we will awaken in them interest, curiosity, visual stimulation and, besides, the whisper of their voice when reading.

On a daily basis, they will delve into the meaning of their words, later on in the message and in a short time, they will navigate this unique and exceptional world where they will assume wonderful values ​​and teachings that will be engraved in their minds. Allow them to acquire the pleasure of reading, let “The Little Prince” be their first book,  and so they can discover by your side, with freedom, and in complicity with you.

Teachings that “The Little Prince” offers children

friendship is a gift

This sentence sums up in a few words something that children must assume from an early age: friendship is a value to be attended to, cultivated and cared for every day . Each friend is unique, magical and exceptional, a person with their own nuances, characteristics and greatness, who must know how to appreciate and enjoy every day.

However, we must remember that until the age of 5-6, a child bases his friendship on the exchange of positive reinforcements, on sharing time with a certain task. how to play, paint, draw… Not before the age of 7, when the process of full recognition of the other takes place, this is where the first bonds are created, those that are never forgotten and that define the social development of children.

The most important thing is invisible to our eyes: only seen with the heart

There are families that unintentionally commit a mistake in their children’s education. They start from an early age on the value of material things, on the need to have things, to collect, to desire objects and then get even newer ones. .. Something as common as motivating a child to pass the school exams in exchange for a cell phone or of a bicycle is certainly a serious mistake.

We must initiate our children as soon as possible into the values ​​of the  invisible , in the awareness that affection, affection, consideration, respect; Dedicating time to the people we love is without a doubt the most valuable thing.

So let’s get children to see life from the heart and not from the number of toys or technology they have in their room.

The importance of knowing yourself

It is possible that the idea of ​​getting a child to know himself seems ironic. Children are people in development, growth and continuous discoveries, those who will form their identity and personality on a daily basis. How to get them to know themselves if they are still constantly changing?

Well, there is something we should be clear about,  self-knowledge also resides in self-control, emotional management, identifying one’s emotions, and this focus of thought of striving each day to be a better person. All these points are tools that we should make it easier for our children, there where to avoid, for example, the tendency to criticize others without having taken a humble look at themselves.

If you walk in a straight line you won’t achieve many things

el Principio

If there’s one thing our children will thank us for teaching them from an early age, it’s the act of making a mistake: it can be good, it sure is normal, and it’s a form of learning we all go through every day.

Here at  “I’m Mama”   we say several times that “educating with perfection is not recommended. Allow children to stumble, let them be mistaken, allow them to always be themselves with their nuances, their flaws and their grandeur”.

In “Little Prince” this kind of teaching is very clear, teaching us that life is not even close to a straight line, but a valley full of trails and intersections along the way, of wonderful ravines and peaks that we can reach after jumping every rock and every hole.

Do not be afraid to bring this treasure of literature to your children from an early age. The mature , free, and happy human being that he will be tomorrow will be eternally grateful.

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