Tips To Calm Baby’s Crying

Crying is very common in all babies. Thanks to this, we can know what the child needs, if something hurts or feels discomfort.
Tips to calm baby's crying

Many first-time parents may sometimes despair because they think crying means something bad, but that’s not quite the case. There is no way out: all babies cry. All you have to do is learn how to calm your crying.

It is also true that this situation can be a major stress and fatigue factor for parents. Sometimes, even from anguish. They don’t understand exactly what’s wrong with the baby or how to reassure him, which can be hopeless.

Fortunately, fatherhood is a matter of practice  and, little by little, one learns to decipher the child’s signs.

Some of the causes of crying are usually quite simple: hunger, sleep, or pain. In this regard, there is a lot of useful advice to put into practice that can help your baby to calm down and become more peaceful.

What can I do to calm my baby’s crying?

feed him

Once you learn to identify the signs your child uses to tell you he’s hungry, you can anticipate his needs.

Before crying, most babies usually indicate with certain gestures to show that they need food. Some of them are, for example, opening and closing your lips or putting your hands in your mouth.

Watch out for gases

Babies swallow air when they are breastfed or bottle-fed and this produces a lot of gas. They tend to feel very uncomfortable at these times. So you need to make them burp.

To do this, place the baby on the shoulder of the father or mother and pat him on the back.

change the diaper

The nuisance can be caused by the dirty diaper. Try to check from time to time whether the diaper is clean or not, as this may be one of the causes of your child’s crying. Fortunately, it’s something that’s quick and easy to fix.

calm the crying

give something to suck

Give it a pacifier or something like that and there is no risk of the baby swallowing.

The sucking movement usually relaxes babies a lot, as it provides pleasant sensations. The mother’s own chest or a finger can be used without problem.


The back and forth movement of a gentle massage greatly relaxes babies. This is also to help them expel gas, which greatly alleviates their discomfort, as mentioned earlier.

You can also rock it slowly as there are children who need to be constantly on the move.

change the baby to other arms

While any parent would love to be able to soothe their baby , there are times help is needed.

Letting someone else soothe your child can be relaxing for both of you, as children notice when their parents are tense and nervous.

Continuous crying can become very irritating for a person, which also influences how that person treats others.

mother heat

For most babies, contact with the mother’s skin is a reassurance. Resting on their mother’s chest and listening to her heart beat makes them feel very protected.

Also, very young babies are often more comfortable in warm places. So what can be better than Mom’s warmth to calm the crying?

be careful with the clothes

Some children are very sensitive to contact with clothing. In that sense, there may be a small tag or tissue that is hurting.

To solve this, you just need to be careful and make sure your clothes are soft and do not contain anything that could scrape.

Do not forget that it is very important to cut all labels. Also avoid tight shoes as they can impair circulation.

calm the crying

see the teeth

It is likely that your baby’s teeth are wanting to come in, especially if he is between 3 and 7 months old. If he shows a need to bite, salivates a lot and doesn’t want to eat, it’s probably because of teething.

The only way to alleviate this natural process is to let it bite as it pleases, especially cold (not frozen) things that help to lessen inflammation of the gums.

Go to the doctor

Something very common in babies is colic, whose symptoms are irritability and excessive crying, especially after eating.

If the child always cries uncontrollably, it may be better to ask a specialist for help to calm the crying.

It’s most likely nothing serious. But it is better to resolve all doubts so that parents are calmer and avoid falling into false assumptions.

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