True Strength Is Demonstrated In Protecting What You Love

Being a mother or father introduces us completely to this great universe, in which we suddenly become emotional giants, heroes of overcoming difficulties and artisans of the purest and most patient affection: the one we feel for our children.
True strength is demonstrated in protecting what you love

The real strength is in that mind and heart that understands what your vital priorities are.

We’ve probably all heard that story that people are born twice. The first birth is the biological one.

The second is when we face a challenge, an adversity to come out of this vital well strengthened, being reborn into a new person, into someone much more courageous.

Now, one thing we all know is that becoming a parent also represents a personal transformation full of challenges and particularities, which also paves the way for a version of ourselves we didn’t know: someone much stronger.

Today, in “I’m Mama”, we want to emphasize this idea. If you are currently going through a moment of personal crisis, when tiredness, fears and negative thoughts hold us back, we propose you to reflect on these aspects so that you can find courage, strength and motivation.

Because inside it hides the true strength, an immeasurable, wonderful and very powerful force.

No matter the tiredness or lack of sleep

true strength

After giving birth, there comes a time that no one has told you about . The puerperium hurts, your body doesn’t respond and you don’t identify with that swollen belly.

Besides, you have a little creature beside you that asks to be fed, that needs you intensely, voraciously, almost desperately.

  • For a while, you thought you couldn’t handle it all. C ontudo, look at you now: you have fared really well.
  • You found strength where you thought you didn’t have it. You found an energy that until that moment was dormant, distracted and diluted in this daily life, in which you are limited to just worrying about yourself.
  • However, when you hold something in your arms that you love with a deep and overwhelming immensity, your brain reorganizes, your heart expands, and welcomes your child. That little being that you will protect each day of your life.

You have the right solutions for desperate times

true strength

There are many disagreements about whether the maternal or paternal instinct really exists. Are we born programmed to know how to raise and care for a child?

In truth no. Nobody arrives in the world being a master of creation, nor a doctor in colic, tantrums and nocturnal cries.

  • Now, the maternal instinct itself, happens the moment we give birth or start taking responsibility for a baby.
  • The brain reorganizes and develops in us this need to ensure the child’s survival and well-being. 
  • This instinct, regulated by our emotions, suddenly transforms us into architects of the most original solutions for moments of despair.
  • You know very well that if your baby cries at night, there will be nothing better than allowing him to sleep in your arms.
  • Dad also finds that holding him on his stomach for a few minutes while rocking him can alleviate the cramps and reflux.

Almost without knowing how, our protective instinct strengthens in our being innovative behaviors and responses that no one had taught us before.

Breathe! you are doing great you are strong

true strength

On the shoulders of mothers today, many pressures fall. However, we must face such pressures in order to move forward.

  • Today’s society no longer exclusively relates women to the care of the home and children.
  • Currently, she is expected to triumph in all areas of life: professional, social and personal. In addition to being a super mom, she must be effective at work, supportive at home, socially successful, and an excellent companion for her husband.
  • We have gone from a role to a “multi-role”, which at times consumes and suffocates us.

The pressures of work often mean that we do not have as much time as we would like to take care of our children.

All of this makes us feel that “we’re not doing very well”. An idea that, if not changed, will certainly lead to true defeatism.

To convince you of its strength, its true strength, we propose to reflect on the following ideas.

You are strong because…

  • Have a partner, family or friends who won’t let you down alone.
  • You know what your priority is and keep it in mind at all times.
  • Despite sometimes crying in secret or locking himself in his room for a minute just to breathe, he quickly returns with renewed spirits and with more energy than before.
  • Every day your child grows in happiness. After all, when he looks at you, doubts and fears calm down.
  • You don’t mind giving up anything just to spend more time with your child.

Last but not least, remember that the source of our true strength lies precisely in our sensitivity. In that affective closeness that characterizes you so much as a person.

Also keep in mind that strong people also need help from time to time. Therefore, always have a good support network so that you can delegate responsibilities and facilitate emotional relief.

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