What If My Child Is Disorganized? What Do I Do?

What if my child is disorganized?  What do I do?

Clothes, toys and all kinds of objects spread out on the floor of your house: every mother’s nightmare. Few mothers can scream to the four winds that their child does not leave the home upside down, while the vast majority continue to ask themselves: “Why is my child disorganized?”

You can start to relax now because in this article we’ll explain how you can help your child maintain order at home, without getting tired and frustrated along the way. Pay attention and write down the following advice to get rid of this uncomfortable situation.

As with the rest of parenting, there is no magic formula and you should probably arm yourself with patience to constantly repeat an order until you get it to bear fruit. As you can see, in education nothing is easy or fast.

What to do if my child is disorganized?

It can be an ordeal if, in addition to being disorganized, your child does not like to pick up the basket of objects he has dropped without even evaluating the consequences, often going against the order of adults. So what to do with a disorganized child?

Explain to your child the importance of organization in the home

Experts insist that we must teach the child about their actions, and it would not be wrong to make the child see that it is not a simple paternal whim and that the order and cleanliness of the house bring with it a series of benefits:

. The order of the house constitutes a valuable tool for younger children, as under these conditions they can orient themselves and better recognize the different spaces in the house, differentiating the activities that can be carried out in each environment.

. Avoiding clutter is the best weapon to fight domestic accidents, bacterial and viral diseases, loss of beloved objects, etc…

. If the child acquires the habit of order and cleanliness, in the future he will be an organized adult, both materially and socially, emotionally, intellectually and at work.

How do I teach my child not to be disorganized?

If you want your child to mature, make your path easier, and for that the simplest way to encourage them to organize is to put yourself in their shoes. But it is not enough to explain the points mentioned above, it is also necessary to understand the importance of negotiation, empathy and practicality.

. How about an exchange? “If you collect well and quickly what you threw away, we can have ice cream or play in the park”, a negotiation with your child can be successful and benefit both.

. Strict rules. It’s not a military regime, but often the only way things work is to establish certain norms that must be strictly adhered to.

. Toys, in the basket. If you organize it that way, he’ll just have to put them there.

. It doesn’t matter if you help too. But be careful; because that doesn’t mean that you have to do the work for him, but that it means teaching him to collect and keep everything in its place. It’s about passing on the habit and mechanics of picking things up when they’re used.

What to do if my child is disorganized?

. Lead by example. It is a golden rule of motherhood, so much so that our children have a tendency to imitate us since from birth, we become models to be followed. Therefore, we should take advantage of this situation that happens during the first years of life as it is the best time for them to get into the habit of storing their things.

. Test with pranks.  The time to eliminate clutter does not necessarily have to be a punishment or an ordeal, but through some playful activity it can generate a fun activity for the family.

. A matter of time. As we stated earlier, physical order helps the youngest. However, acquiring the temporal order can also be very beneficial. Because they, through this method, will know that after eating, they will do their homework and then they can play. It’s important for them to know that after the fun time, it’s time to organize so you can eat later. In this way, your children will be able to anticipate what continues in their daily routine, and thus acquire security, stability and greater self-esteem.

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