Why Do Some Kids Misbehave When Mom Is Around?

Whenever I get home and ask the lady who helps me how the children behaved, the answer is always the same: they behaved very well as always.
Why do some children misbehave when their mother is around?

The first thing that comes to mind is a big “How is it possible?”. Are we talking about the same kids I fight every night to get them to eat well, who question everything, don’t want to shower, brush their teeth, get dressed, or wake up in the morning?

How many mothers does the same thing happen to? Why the hell do kids behave so badly when you’re with them?

Shouldn’t they think I’m the mother and that there’s no one else in the world who cares as much for them as I do? Is it just me? Am I doing something wrong?

This behavior is typical of young children who are learning to control their emotions and express them. They see their mother as a safe place to try to be themselves. That’s why it’s important that you teach the limits.

You must show and determine these limits very clearly. And this is a task that requires patience and love.

A false report that became popular around the world claimed that children behaved 800% worse with their mothers. This report raised the eternal question: why do children behave worse in the presence of their mothers?

mother is about

Do children misbehave when the mother is, true or false?

A psychologist, Dr. KP Leibowitz, stated: “We found that children, even eight-month-old babies, could be happy playing, but seeing their mother enter the room they were 99% more likely to start crying, to release their emotions and demand immediate attention.

The remaining 1% was a child with vision problems who, once he heard his mother’s voice, started throwing things and asked for a snack despite having already eaten.

False research indicated that a child could behave up to 800% worse if the mother is present due to pheromones.

According to Dr. KP Leibowitz, the supposed author of the research, “children sense their mother’s pheromones and change their behavior.” This would be a natural reaction of the mother’s body that releases pheromones so that her child feels and knows that the mother is around and feels protected and safe.

Mothers always think that this behavior is due to the fact that the child wants to spend more time with her, because she wants to draw attention so that they notice her presence, or because they know that you, as a mother, will love her even if you do the biggest scandal of the year.

As a mother, you are a safe haven for your child. He feels more comfortable with you, knows that you will always be there to help and protect him. There is no way to deny this very strong bond you have.

mother is about

Children feel at ease when they are with their mother

There is no need for a study to know that children behave worse in the presence of their mothers. There are two theories about this:


Children spend a lot of time with their mother, which is a traditional custom and is still happening today.

This gives you greater confidence than anyone else who has contact with her.

This trusting relationship makes children relax their behavior and, therefore, they do not feel limited in expressing their emotions.

kids want your attention

Children, especially when they are very young, don’t want to purposely pester you, let alone plan strategies to break your patience. Certain behaviors like crying, kicking or screaming are nothing but wanting to get your attention.

They need all the care and love you can give. And even if you are very affectionate, they will always want more.

Children seek comfort and you are the first person they will try to meet that need.

After all, in you they can find a hug when they have a nightmare, a kiss to heal when they get hurt or words of encouragement when they fail to score a goal.

In parents, children look for other things: fun, exploration, games, experiences, advice. Mothers, in general, represent the protection that children innately associate with survival.

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